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I got an old IBM ThinkPad 365XD

I am trying to run Linux as the OS

I get a screen every time I turn the coputer of a black and white diagram showing a floppy disk going into a floppy drive and at the bottom there are the F1 through F12 keys. The F1 key is the only one on the screen that is depressed and on top of it there are 2 blinking arrows.

I dont have a boot disk. I dont have anything in a floppy anything.

The thing has a CD rom. I have tryed to run different disks like a Knoppix disk and DSL. Nothing happened. I checked everything and the only error I ran accross where with the HDD

DEV 017

ERR 01

FRU 6010

In that order.

Memory Installed / 24576-Kb _Usable Memory/24192-Kb

I have checked Google and couldnt find many answers

I went to IBMs site and they no longer have any information on this laptop. I was able to get a user guide to a later model 380XD and 385XD

Anyidea how I can get a different OS on this laptop? How do I fix the errors on the hard drive? Can I hook it up to my computer somehow and fix it that way?

Thanks :D :D :D

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So it checks the hardrive for errors and then finds the error you posted which again points to errors in the hardrive. It might just be getting old, maybe it has bad sectors, whatever it is if you have any files on it back them up and then you might have to buy a new hardrive if you dont have a warranty on it anymore.

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Ok after taking the thing apart and putting it back together the problem was the hard drive was not installed correctly. It was set in the middle of the pins and not all to the left. So now it is up and working with Windows 95, a 1GB Hard drive.

Now I am thinking of installing Linux- D.S.L on it. Any experience with using Linux? Which version is the smallest. I have Damn Small Linux on disk but havent run it yet. Was thinking about trying Knoppix also

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