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hey! any one help me , my mouse has been acting funny for ages now, its a wheel mouse microsoft

ps/2 intelipoint  when iam on web pages and use wheel the scroll bar jumps to bottom of page real annoying to me ive tried other settings and also downloaded the new driver from microsoft........still no joy any help would be grateful :oops:

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sounds like a scrollwheel contact problem where it sends out a bunch of 'down' impulses due to a jittery contact which causes the page to scroll down. you can try opening it and cleaning any contacts that may be the culprit, but you're probably gonna end up either disabling the wheel or buying a new mouse.

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I have the same mouse or almost the same one.In the control panel/mouse there is a tab for wheel .It has adjustments for wheel scrolling speed try adjusting these to see if it corrects the problem.If you don't have this adjustment you probably have the wrong driver for your mouse.

I use this dl for mine I have windows ME


This is the one it gives for XP


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Am assuming that you're gonna get an optical mouse, right? 

I don't mess with the mechanical kind any more.  Too much

cleaning involved.  Bought optical mice awhile back, and

never looked back.  They cost about the same as the ball n'

roller type, anyway...

Good Luck!


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