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guys i have a problem, as soon as i start my computer up it goes to a blue screen... some stupid 0x000000f4 error or something...it tells me then to start up in safemode, when i do that the error still pops up, so theres no way around it... can anyone help me?

it says "One of the many processes or threads crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. As a result, the system can no longer function." in the blue screen...

the error message comes up after loading xp and it goes to the xp menu to click on the user, but just right before i can click on the user it goes to the blue screen...

the computer is a compaq amd athlon 600mhz processor/256mb ram/5gb hd/winxp home edition sp1

plz someone help

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If it's not a hardware issue, might try tapping the space  bar as it begins

the boot process.  (Just tap it once every second or so.)  If it comes

up to a black screen with "Last know good configuration," try hi-lighting that. 

Hit enter, and hopefully your PC will boot okay.  :cool:

Good Luck!

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To boot to cmd or Safe Mode (I'd try "Safe," first,) keep tapping

"F8" (function key 8,) usually at the top of your keyboard, as

your system boots.  If "Safe mode" is an option, try that first.  Then

go to device manager and look for yellow question marks in the list of

various devices.  One of those may or may not be causing you a problem. 

Sound cards, NICs, can be a problem, if you've got corrupted drivers.  If your

PC does boot, I'd be sure to copy files that you want to keep on to good

another partition than your boot partition.  Most PCs boot to "C:" drive, of course. 

Programs you can always reload, but you don't want to lose your data!

Maybe this will help. 


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Truth is it could be about a million or more different things. Have you installed anything new? Sometimes a program can conflict with a system configuration, and cause the lovely blue screen.

I hope you get it fix, but sometimes a total reinstall is the only thing that can fix these things i hope that's not true in your case, but as long as you backed up your computer on a regualr basis even if you have to reinstall things will be fine. If you didn't backup on a regular basis this might get you to start doing so.

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The dreaded nasty blue screen is due to an IRQ CONFLICT, usually acquired with installing a new driver of some kind or new hardware installed,, or an update to a piece of hardware,, could one of these have been done without you knowing?? Anyway usually booting up in safemode and uninstalling the device in DEVICE MANAGER (conflict) will fix the problem, this usually happens to 1 out of 25 people...

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