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i hate to disrupt your pointless rant at apple with facts, but the itunes software merely sends the artist of the mp3 tag to itunes to let the itunes ministore that is displayed show similar albums. turn off the itunes ministore with a button in the equalizer and ET stops phoning home.

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Further work by other bloggers such as Kirk McElhearn found that the data being sent back to Apple to make the recommendations included artist, title, genre as well as unique identifiers for a computer and iTunes account.

Privacy advocates complained that Apple had not done enough to warn people about the information that was being collected, nor what was being done with the collected data.

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I can't stand solicitation, but one thing that the Internet does is desensitize you to having products constantly shoved in your face.  Unfortunately, the two go hand in hand, and I doubt very much that that will ever change.  Your privacy will always be vulnerable, so you just have to be wise in your actions.  But complete anonymity would make the Internet unsafe, because then anyone could get away with anything (it's bad enough as it is).  Since the Internet is de-centralized, and more or less un-policed, most companies take their own measures to ensure some sort of regularity.  There will always be a way to trace an action back to the culprit.  So surf wisely, grasshopper.

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