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What are those programs that like stress out your hardware to test if an overclock will be stable I can think of them right now? I've got my opteron at 11x250 with ease and want to see if it will be stable. I'm totally loving my cooling system too I'm booted into windows and its idling at a chilly 30c.

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Here is a list of very useful programs to have when overclocking

MBM - monitors voltages/temperatures

CPUZ - a very informative program to have

OCCT / SuperPI / Prime95 - Stress / Stability testing (CPU / Memory)

Atto / HDTach - Hard drive performance testing

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You have to pretty much start from scratch - work from stock settings on stock voltages and see where you can get - work on your processor first by putting your memory on a divider (something like 1/02), increase by 10-15mhz - go into windows, stress test with occt / super pi - keep doing that - increase voltage as needed - when you went as high as you wanna go or can go, drop ur processor on a low multiplier (something like 2.5, 3) and work up with your ram - increase the ram voltage and mhz accordingly - for ram testing the best program is MemTest

when you think you found the max of both components - stress test for about 10 hours each component seperately - if each component survives prime95 for about 10 hours - you can call it stable - finally...after finding and testing the max of each component, put it all together ;)

that is the simplified version of overclocking :) i have the more detailed one in writing if you are interested

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Crap, I figured I would try to use the motherboards built in overclocking system to see what kind of results I could get and now I can't get into windows.

Edit:Well I turned the pc off for awhile and tried it again now I can get to where you select os's but then I just see small blue rectangle, wtf.

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Yea thats the last time im ever using one of the auto overclock programs, lol for some reason it had the vcore up to 1.6.

I've got it at 215x11 at 40c with no errors. Now should I raise the ram timmings real high and try to up the cpu fsb more. What about the hammer fid control and ht frequency?

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I think im good for now, just upping the fsb and priming for a little bit each time to find the max. Right now im stable at 240x11 2.64 and under load with all fans on low it never goes above 40.

Edit : Same thing for 250

Well 255 gets an error right away. Time to up the voltage a bit?

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