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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1054 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)

Download Speed is:: 129 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 19 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 7.94 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=IVQYEITJD

this is about as good as i get this time of day with my dw6000

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I have a .98m dish and a Commercial Class account (DirecWay's finest ...so they say). My fastest download ever was 1088 (adjusted). Typically, during the day it will run between 346-745 "down"...and that's it. So, I'm paying $129.99 per month instead of $89.99 per month (when I had the DW4000 setup) ...and I am actually running slower!



"The Rev"

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i am running the regular size dish (.74?) and home account. $59.99 running 400 mhz and i think im on amc3 sat. also running win 98se make sure that your proxy is checked and bypass under proxy is checked as well and proxy address is filled out along with exceptions - i run faster with proxy on then without. about 100 difference generally - i enjoy this site and glad to be part of it.

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Yeah, I have found that my speeds increase by about 200kbps if I "check" both proxy boxes too (and use Port 87). I am shooting at G4R @ 1201.0MHz. I really wish I had stuck with my DW4000 system and just bought a larger dish (because with the big dish "rain fade" no longer exists! I still have my old 4000's but I am stuck with a two-year contract ...but I'll figure out something eventually. (I hope).

I used Dr Tcp (that added just a wee bit to my speed), yet nothing really helps a DW6000 because THEY have total control over everything (mostly). Oh well.... (anybody know where I can find the schematics for a 6000)? :)


"The Rev"

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I've got 4000 and my speeds used to be anywhere from 1070 to up to 1700 sometimes. Now that it has turned cold looks like my dish needs a re-aim AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Second year in a row (okay so maybe I should have let them put up the damned pole in the yard instead of insisting on the roof mount) usually have "status" strength of 88 to 92 with clear weather (which they tell me I should where I am and it's great) but for the last two weeks even on a beautiful clear winter night with no clouds (like now) getting 72. Sad. The upload speed as it always has stinks.......most times not any better than a good dial up speed. Oh well....maybe now the locals have DSL it's time to switch. Got it at work and I guess cause of the much bettter upload speed seems faster than even the super speeds I get downloading (most of the time) on direcway.......

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I wish I knew how to tweak the dish myself. It's like the last time the weenie service guys (note that is plural they sent two) acted like jerks to my wife and like I had done something wrong. I know I should have the pole but my wife DIDN'T want it in the yard. My directv dish is on the roof and never a problem. Oh well.........gotta do something

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I have had to repoint my dish so many times it isn't funny! I just start a bit 'high', then slowly crank it down to find the max signal, then "skew" it left to right and find the max signal, then I turn the "radio" last. Right now I get a steady 97. Even in a pretty good rain it only falls to about 91. I've never been "washed out" using the .98m dish.

I realise that pointing my own dish voids the warranty, but as poorly as they are made it is necessary to constanting tweak the silly thing (or have the installer come out once a week to do the same thing that I do) ...and my pole is drilled into solid rock and cemented! It's the way they designed the dish that's the problem. I have replaced nearly all of the nuts, washers and bolts with superior ones (like nuts with nylon "lock threads", and "no slip" washers, and machine grade "tweaking" posts instead of the large threaded style. It really does make a difference (for me) to make as much as a 1/10th of a turn! My 4000 wasn't as sensitive and didn't slip a bit. This foolish thing slides around like an ice skate!

However, no matter what has been done the danged thing will not exceed 1088kbps at ANY time ...and yet a DW4000 blows it away? (So how can DWay call it their fastest system for thrice the price)? Danged idiots! (hey ...I paid $1,000 up front just to have it installed (modem and dish), then another $300 in Commercial fees and other ripoffs they neglect to mention until you've had the system online for two weeks.


"The Rev"

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Again wish I knew which rod adjusted what and what you are tweaking first second and third but.....for the upfront, and then the hidden you get hit with later......I KNOW!!!! That's why I am skeptical about getting the 6000. Loooks good when they want ya but........is that all it's really gonna cost me later.

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heres what you can do to save some money. set your own pole run the wires to it,and put the dish on the pole, and have the installer just point it. That alown will say you atleast a hundred. it shouldnt cost no more that 100 to point it. Call around to get a figure

When you get a pole i used a gas pip. like 1/4 thick. make shur the diamitor is no bigger than 2 1/4 i belive. get a 8foot put 3foot in the ground and have 5 foot above.

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