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dude, ive always been pissed off by most reality tv shows because theres too many and they all suck. but now, i think i have a serious moral problem with a new one fox is premiering in january. (for those who dont get fox because ur in a diff country or something, its like the biggest network station here, playing mostly sitcoms and court shows rather than the news and talk shows for women like the other network stations)

anyways, the new reality show is about a girl put up for adoption at 6 months of age and has never seen her dad, so now shes like 30-something and fox has it to where theres like 12 guys there, and she has to choose which is her long-lost father... i hate reality tv... this one is just morally wrong, making a woman choose who her dad is that shes never seen before...

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I watch reality shows more than sitcoms or dramas, especially if it's not fixed. I guess it's due to the fact of reality tv being unpredictable. You never know what to expect on the good ones. I do agree that there are far too many of them broadcasting on several different networks, but certain ones are undeniable.

In no particular order, I enjoy these shows:

Punk'd * * * * * (No new season scheduled)

American Idol * * * * * (New season in January)

Fear Factor * * * * * (Keeps it coming)

Making the Band * * * * * (Puffy had MTV on lock! If the all girl version has hot chicks and cat-fights in skimpy outfits, it will go to number 1 again)

Joe Schmo 1&2 * * * (Haven't heard anything about a third attempt - Pretty entertaining nevertheless)

Pimp My Ride * * * (If you're into cars and a little comedy, you'll enjoy this car make-over show)

These are just a few that I find/found hilarious (Punk'd) or just pretty damn good (Joe Schmo)

But yes, there are alot of them...see here

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