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Hey guys, you might remember me from awhile ago. I had very slow speed with bell and now its better(It used to be about 30kb/s and now its about 170kb/s) but i still have very high latencies. just take a look at this tracert.

Tracing route to testmy.net [xx.xx.xx.xx]

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    48 ms    49 ms    49 ms

  2    50 ms    46 ms    47 ms

  3    47 ms    46 ms    47 ms  core3-toronto12-Gigabite4-2.in.bellnexxia.net [2]

  4    59 ms    60 ms    58 ms  core2-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.1


  5    58 ms    60 ms    58 ms  bx2-chicago23-pos10-0.in.bellnexxia.net [206.108


  6    58 ms    59 ms    59 ms  so-4-3-3.cr1.ord2.us.above.net []

  7    87 ms    86 ms    85 ms  so-5-0-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net []

  8    84 ms    83 ms    83 ms []

  9    84 ms    83 ms    83 ms  vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

10    84 ms    83 ms    87 ms  vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

11    84 ms    85 ms    83 ms  gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [


12    84 ms    87 ms    85 ms  85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

C:Documents and Settingsuser>

now, i have done EVERYTHING i know to do with Bell but they just wont fix it. I know its fixable because my friend who is about 8 houses away from me gets about 3ms on the first hop. I even asked Sympatico to change my CO but they said it wasn't possible. anyone have any ideas?

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heres the reverse tracert test:

Out BGP (port 119, 23, 80, 3128, etc)

2  ae4.j3.iad.scnet.net (  9.816 ms  9.971 ms  9.959 ms

3  unknown.iad.scnet.net (  9.950 ms  9.435 ms  9.971 ms

4  nyk-bb2-pos0-3-0.telia.net (  9.964 ms  9.443 ms  9.965 ms

5  nyk-b1-link.telia.net (  9.955 ms  9.596 ms  22.267 ms

6  bx4-newyork83-pos3-1.in.bellnexxia.net (  9.656 ms  9.302 ms  9.975 ms

7  * * *

8  * * *

9  * * *

10  * * *

11  * * *

12  * * *

13  * * *

14  * * *

15  * * *

16  * * *

17  * * *

18  * * *

19  * * *

20  * * *

Out SC (port 7000)

2  ae4.j3.iad.scnet.net (  9.767 ms  9.984 ms  9.955 ms

3  unknown.iad.scnet.net (  9.920 ms  9.448 ms  9.959 ms

4  nyk-bb2-pos0-3-0.telia.net (  27.325 ms  9.920 ms  9.953 ms

5  nyk-b1-link.telia.net (  15.909 ms  9.347 ms  9.979 ms

6  bx4-newyork83-pos3-1.in.bellnexxia.net (  9.925 ms  9.369 ms  9.966 ms

7  * * *

8  * * *

9  * * *

10  * * *

11  * * *

12  * * *

13  * * *

14  * * *

15  * * *

16  * * *

17  * * *

18  * * *

19  * * *

20  * * *

Out Cogent (port 8000)

2  g3-0.core01.iad01.atlas.cogentco.com (  9.701 ms  10.025 ms  9.975 ms

3  p11-0.core02.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com (  9.938 ms  9.871 ms  10.128 ms

4  p6-0.core01.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com (  14.591 ms  13.202 ms  13.202 ms

5  * * *

6  core2-newyork83-pos0-3.in.bellnexxia.net (  15.737 ms  15.781 ms  15.072 ms

7  * * *

8  * * *

9  * * *

10  * * *

11  * * *

12  * * *

13  * * *

14  * * *

15  * * *

16  * * *

17  * * *

18  * * *

19  * * *

20  * * *

Out BtN (port 9000)

2  ge13-2.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net (  9.127 ms  9.082 ms  9.958 ms

3  bellcanada.ge2-3.br02.chc01.pccwbtn.net (  33.472 ms  33.566 ms  33.676 ms

4  * * *

5  core3-toronto12-pos6-3.in.bellnexxia.net (  41.152 ms  41.147 ms  41.040 ms

6  dis11-toronto12-Gigabite1-1.in.bellnexxia.net (  41.148 ms  41.649 ms  41.040 ms

7  * * *

8  * * *

9  * * *

10  * * *

11  * * *

12  * * *

13  * * *

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20  * * *

Hi FallowEarth : Good link heres  the reverse tracert on my dial-up & bonkers thinks he has high latency.I'm goin to de;ete the three asterisk hops which I beleive are timed outs.

Your IP address has been detected as

Out BGP (port 119, 23, 80, 3128, etc)

2  ge13-2.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net (  9.081 ms  10.033 ms  9.965 ms

3  wiltel.ge11-1.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net (  9.912 ms  9.355 ms  9.974 ms

4  hrndva1wcx3-pos12-3.wcg.net (  9.950 ms  9.377 ms  9.968 ms

5  drvlga1wcx2-pos2-0-oc192.wcg.net (  129.456 ms  214.450 ms  19.114 ms

6  hstntx1wcx2-pos11-0.wcg.net (  39.307 ms  40.435 ms  39.388 ms

7  hstntx1wcx3-pos11-0.wcg.net (  100.237 ms  117.260 ms  213.007 ms

8  dllstx1wcx3-pos14-0-oc192.wcg.net (  40.039 ms  39.559 ms  40.254 ms

9  dllstx1wcx1-pos9-0-oc48.wcg.net (  39.157 ms  39.030 ms  39.128 ms

10  dllstx1wcx1-nts-pos.wcg.net (  48.150 ms  49.529 ms  49.423 ms

11  gig-3-2-lbb-core-b.nts-online.net (  62.983 ms  62.258 ms  63.884 ms

12  fe-1-2-4-lbb-tnt-5.nts-online.net (  68.358 ms  65.384 ms  67.023 ms

Out SC (port 7000)

2  ae4.j3.iad.scnet.net (  9.708 ms  9.281 ms  9.960 ms

3  so7-0-0.j3.iad.scnet.net (  13.422 ms  9.713 ms  9.968 ms

4  williams-01995-ash-bb1.telia.net (  34.515 ms  34.427 ms  34.267 ms

5 (  33.397 ms  33.067 ms  33.023 ms

6  drvlga1wcx2-pos2-0-oc192.wcg.net (  47.783 ms  93.505 ms  44.747 ms

7  hstntx1wcx2-pos11-0.wcg.net (  65.387 ms  64.172 ms  65.747 ms

8  hstntx1wcx3-pos11-0.wcg.net (  65.347 ms  65.295 ms  65.873 ms

9  dllstx1wcx3-pos14-0-oc192.wcg.net (  65.827 ms  65.916 ms  65.019 ms

10  dllstx1wcx1-pos9-0-oc48.wcg.net (  64.996 ms  65.160 ms  64.495 ms

11  dllstx1wcx1-nts-pos.wcg.net (  73.372 ms  73.778 ms  74.255 ms

12  gig-3-2-lbb-core-b.nts-online.net (  88.840 ms  88.521 ms  89.234 ms

13  fe-1-2-4-lbb-tnt-5.nts-online.net (  91.339 ms  92.283 ms  91.483 ms

Out Cogent (port 8000)

2  g3-0.core01.iad01.atlas.cogentco.com (  9.738 ms  9.574 ms  10.283 ms

3  williams.iad01.atlas.cogentco.com (  9.629 ms  9.896 ms  10.085 ms

4 (  9.834 ms  9.574 ms  9.854 ms

5  drvlga1wcx2-pos2-0-oc192.wcg.net (  179.574 ms  200.054 ms  212.028 ms

6  hstntx1wcx2-pos11-0.wcg.net (  38.113 ms  37.429 ms  37.031 ms

7  hstntx1wcx3-pos11-0.wcg.net (  90.986 ms  39.407 ms  40.892 ms

8  dllstx1wcx3-pos14-0-oc192.wcg.net (  41.643 ms  41.802 ms  40.905 ms

9  dllstx1wcx1-pos9-0-oc48.wcg.net (  41.390 ms  40.183 ms  40.264 ms

10  dllstx1wcx1-nts-pos.wcg.net (  49.000 ms  47.558 ms  46.009 ms

11  gig-3-2-lbb-core-b.nts-online.net (  56.524 ms  57.818 ms  57.711 ms

12  fe-1-2-4-lbb-tnt-5.nts-online.net (  64.408 ms  67.423 ms  65.988 ms

Out BtN (port 9000)

2  ge13-2.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net (  9.812 ms  9.947 ms  10.058 ms

3  wiltel.ge11-1.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net (  94.737 ms  9.191 ms  9.971 ms

4  hrndva1wcx3-pos12-3.wcg.net (  9.940 ms  9.324 ms  9.967 ms

5  drvlga1wcx2-pos2-0-oc192.wcg.net (  126.232 ms  131.876 ms  213.308 ms

6  hstntx1wcx2-pos11-0.wcg.net (  38.443 ms  38.425 ms  38.690 ms

7  hstntx1wcx3-pos11-0.wcg.net (  39.545 ms  39.893 ms  39.937 ms

8  dllstx1wcx3-pos14-0-oc192.wcg.net (  39.682 ms  40.183 ms  39.549 ms

9  dllstx1wcx1-pos9-0-oc48.wcg.net (  39.413 ms  39.175 ms  39.925 ms

10  dllstx1wcx1-nts-pos.wcg.net (  49.034 ms  49.546 ms  49.165 ms

11  gig-3-2-lbb-core-b.nts-online.net (  62.762 ms  62.173 ms  62.023 ms

12  fe-1-2-4-lbb-tnt-5.nts-online.net (  64.158 ms  64.793 ms  83.892 ms

13  * * *

bonkers ;Sorry I didn't mean to jump in on your topic before you got some help.I just thought you might like to see a comparison of the reverse tracert test,Even in the tracert from youe location the highest latency was 87ms in mine there were a few 200+ms hops.

If you have done the tweaks & tests in the stickys & have the right Cablenut file for your connection I don't know if there is much more you can do.

In some cases of tweaking, speed would not increase much no matter how we adjust RWIN and other settings due to electrical noise affecting either the line or the switches in the modem or router themselves. See this link:


here, ill throw in a speed test too.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1421 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Download Speed is:: 173 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2)

Test Time:: Mon Feb 13 2006 15:27:24 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.92 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 93.07 % faster than the average for host (35.210)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WCQ6RMK3U

I know its the 3MB DSL service but dont know my upload heres the TCP test

TCP options string = 020405ac0103030001010402

MTU = 1492

MTU is optimized for PPoE DSL broadband. If not, consider raising MTU to 1500 for optimal throughput.

MSS = 1452

MSS is optimized for PPPoE DSL broadband. If not, consider raising your MTU value.

Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 63888

RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits

Unscaled TCP Receive Window = 63888

RWIN is a multiple of MSS

Other RWIN values that might work well with your current MTU/MSS:

511104 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 8)

255552 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4)

127776 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2)

63888 (MSS x 44) <-- current value

bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test):

Your TCP Window limits you to: 2555.52 kbps (319.44 KBytes/s) @ 200ms

Your TCP Window limits you to: 1022.208 kbps (127.776 KBytes/s) @ 500ms

MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON

Time to live left = 57 hops

TTL value is ok.

Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF

Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON

IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000 (0)

I applyed those new settings, not much of a difference really

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1468 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 179 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net

Test Time:: Wed Feb 15 2006 17:38:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 26X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.72 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 71.3 % faster than the average for host (31.109)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-V7TFL2NC9

Although, i have another idea.

I was talking to a Bell techy(He was off duty, just a friend) and he did a little research on my connection for me. He found out that my connection is on an old main line, while my friend a few houses over is on a new line because his phone # starts with 731 while mine is 889 so I was thinking if i could get my line rerouted. Im going to give Bell a call tomorrow.


Hey guys, for the past few days i have had the router and modem seperated as much as i could but still no difference. I know my ISP can fix this problem but I don't know what to say to them. I'm with Bell and have their 3MB DSL highspeed connection.

Tell them that if they don't come and fix their crappy line, you'll switch to cable.

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