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Fikester suggested I go to this forum to get some help. I am considering changing from a 6000 modem to a 4000 modem. What are some of the ups and downs. I want faster downloads, and assume uploads will be same. Fikester raised some issues about 4000 that I could some answers on.

1) the software must be toyed with with the tweaks etc...

2) some say the system is not as stable as the self hosted systems.... requiring reboots etc.

3)will the modem work with my original 6000 equipment, dish etc...

4)the 6000 modem updates itself, also nothing is stored on your computer for it to function.Meaning what about updates?

5)Difference between 1 modem and 2 modems other than space.

Any other conceivable problems that might arise? Please post? Thanks again!! :D :D

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You been in here long enough to know what is better. You have read a lot on the 4000. and added some comments on some of them.

You can tweak some but not much. Your downloads can get higher but at a sacrafice to your uploads.

I tried to test without tweaks and with tweaks. It showed some improvments on downloads but the uploads were low. But it is different at different times. You can do back to back test and they will be different.

So if you want a more stable and more dependable system then upgrade to a 7000.

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jkandra, first I know little about 4000, and there is very little posted that I have seen, so I thought that if I asked for some first hand experience, I might be able to get it. I have seen some astounding speeds on the 4000's and thought that might fit my bill, really do not download at all, except e-mails. Just trying to join the 4000 users with a little knowledge before jumping in and then trying to swim. I will try to look up a little more on through some more searching, sorry to bother you.

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jkandra, first I know little about 4000, and there is very little posted that I have seen, so I thought that if I asked for some first hand experience, I might be able to get it. I have seen some astounding speeds on the 4000's and thought that might fit my bill, really do not download at all, except e-mails. Just trying to join the 4000 users with a little knowledge before jumping in and then trying to swim. I will try to look up a little more on through some more searching, sorry to bother you.

Why would you upgrade (technically downgrade) to the 4000 for faster emails?

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There I said it wrong again, sorry, I meant that the only uploads I do are E-mails. Everything else is mainly downloads. The 6000 and 4000 seem to me to get about the same upload speed and that I would just enjoy more download speed. Actually any knowledge I have gotten on the 4000 has been in the last week. Everybody mostly talks about them as extinct. But after my search for better download speed, and my many dead-ends, I have become intrigued by the 4000.

I still find the 427 SOHC Ford engine with a blower, as the most phenominal engine of our time, raw horse-power, my taste. Others prefer Japanese twin-turbo-charged, fully computerized. Each to their own. I am just doing research on something I would like to do, so be it backward to other peoples thinking. I was asking for someone who liked their 4000 to give me some ensite as to their knowledge of the workings of the 4000 direcway modem and any quirks, the possible problems I might encounter switching it over from a 6000, just some helpful knowledge which is not usually that hard to get here in this forum.

Luckily I have been PM'd but a couple of helpful individuals since starting my quest. But any helpful ensite would still be quite helpful. Thank you!

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Would like to apologize for short outburst, but I feel I am defending my right to enquire about information, hope I am not stepping on any toes by wanting to change modems, or what ever they are called.

You ain't stepping on any toes.

If you want to spend your money and buy a 4000 and tinker with it, it's your money. I have read that DWay is trying to get rid of the 4000s, to try to make everything more uniform so they can balance things out. Thats why they want to go to the self hosted modems. I think it is just to be in control. Just like every big business.

But if you do change then I will help you set it up, and if you are into networking I can help you on that too.

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To start with, what equipment do I actually need to buy. Is this the only thing I need to purchase?

DirecWay Model 4000 Send and Recieve Modem pair. Never used working model. Also comes with connecting cable and power supply.

Or do I also need a new dish, using original 6000 dish. Plus any answers to original post if possible.

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Tommie I have had the DW4000 for 3 years now and it rocks. I tried the DW6000 and went back to the DW4000. I was not happy with download speed of the DW 6000. Some of us who have tweaked the DW4000 get these kinds of download speeds,(Sometimes, depends on internet traffic). Last night received 2.4 meg. Like you I only care about download speeds, I only upload a email now and then. I would never get rid of my DW4000!! You can use the same dish with DW4000  just different sofware. If you buy one on ebay be sure to check with Direcway that the modem has no upaid bills. Get unit number from seller. Also be sure Direcway will let you use it. You have to cancel your DW6000 account and set up a new account for the DW4000.

:.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2006 Kbps about 2 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 245 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net

Test Time:: Wed Feb 15 21:25:40 CST 2006

Bottom Line:: 36X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.18 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 121.9 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com)

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Last installer that was out left me a card. I called him up and he told about a gal that is moving in area, and he believes he probably could pick it up(modem,dish and all for $125). He figured older dish might be required to achieve these speeds. Will definitely have mounted on a pole this time also. That would probably be a decent price wouldn't it. Appreciate everyone's help so far.

And his first question was also, why would you want to downgrade? :haha: :haha: :haha:

Yes if you take a wrong fork in road, sometimes you have to backtrack to find the right path! At least for me! :haha: :haha:

PS. Will I probably be put on a different sat? :angry5: :angry5: Hope not Sat mex 5.

He had mentioned that he could get modem and stuff without dish for $75, I think it should be about $50.

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Last installer that was out left me a card. I called him up and he told about a gal that is moving in area, and he believes he probably could pick it up(modem,dish and all for $125). He figured older dish might be required to achieve these speeds. Will definitely have mounted on a pole this time also. That would probably be a decent price wouldn't it. Appreciate everyone's help so far.

And his first question was also, why would you want to downgrade? :haha: :haha: :haha:

Yes if you take a wrong fork in road, sometimes you have to backtrack to find the right path! At least for me! :haha: :haha:

PS. Will I probably be put on a different sat? :angry5: :angry5: Hope not Sat mex 5.

So you're going to pull out your dish that's already on your roof? Bad idea if you ask me...

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So you're going to pull out your dish that's already on your roof? Bad idea if you ask me...

Can't do anything until August at end of contract. Bad install originally. Just bolted to plywood, not expected  to last before re pointing again anyway. March winds will be here soon.

Was flopping around quite a bit last time.

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I bought mine off ebay for 76 bucks included everything but cables and software which you download at dway. Installer charged me 150 to aim and hookup. Tried everything to speedup, nothing worked well till I read and used tpoptimizer, and tweeked it a little. The 76 bucks also paid the shipping on sat. Beets dialup, no question.

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So you're going to pull out your dish that's already on your roof? Bad idea if you ask me...

If you mean about the roofing, I was a roofing contractor for 20 years, just reroofed 1 year ago, and kept plenty of leftovers for repairs such as this. Or didd you mean something else? Is presently working sheeting nails loose from rafters anyway.

So does anybody know about dish differences? I presently have standard one that came with 6000?

Does anybody know if the two modems, on 4000 is a type of modem bonding? Just curious. Possible reason for extra speed ability??

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Your dish was atttached to roofing with nails? My dish was installed over 3 years ago and attached with hugh wood screws. Infact my installer did not like the wood screws provided by Direcway and brought his own.  My  dish is on corner of house above room where PC is located. My cable length is only about 10 feet from dish to modem. Main thing is a good install, plus fast clean PC. If you just want fast downloads get a DW4000 and tweak it. Hope this helps. This is my average speed.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1538 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 188 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1)

Test Time:: Fri Feb 17 05:44:45 CST 2006

Bottom Line:: 27X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.45 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 69.94 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com)

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Does anybody know if the two modems, on 4000 is a type of modem bonding? Just curious. Possible reason for extra speed ability??

I think one of the only reason as to why it's faster is because of the software being on your computer; it gives it more tweakability. I don't think there's any changes with the modem directly.

What kind of speeds do you guys get without the tweaks?

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Your dish was atttached to roofing with nails? My dish was installed over 3 years ago and attached with huge wood screws. Infact my installer did not like the wood screws provided by DirecWay and brought his own.  My  dish is on corner of house above room where PC is located. My cable length is only about 10 feet from dish to modem. Main thing is a good install, plus fast clean PC. If you just want fast downloads get a DW4000 and tweak it. Hope this helps. This is my average speed.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1538 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 188 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1)

Test Time:: Fri Feb 17 05:44:45 CST 2006

Bottom Line:: 27X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.45 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 69.94 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com)

No the dish mount was lag bolted to the plywood, not into the rafters. So as the wind blows, it keeps pulling on the sheeting, and working the sheeting nails loose.  In other words he did not try to hit the rafters at all. Which would have held a lot better. But since I am going to redo a bunch of it anyway, I am going to have it mounted to a pole. Just to be more secure.

Lag bolts into 1/2" just does not get too good of a bite.

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No the dish mount was lag bolted to the plywood, not into the rafters. So as the wind blows, it keeps pulling on the sheeting, and working the sheeting nails loose.  In other words he did not try to hit the rafters at all. Which would have held a lot better. But since I am going to redo a bunch of it anyway, I am going to have it mounted to a pole. Just to be more secure.

Lag bolts into 1/2" just does not get too good of a bite.

lol tommie my installer asked me where mine was so i guess he hit them if he didnt when the winds come we well find out HAHA i am also a construction worker do a little of ever thing i am new to dway so i dont know anything about the dw 4000 but if i did i would help you Sorry
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I would wait before getting the 4000. There have been many complaints about not being able to use used Direcway modems without paying $200 for an installer to check "everything". Apparently, Direcway refuses to re-comission any modem.

[DW4000] Direcway has gone crazy !

Read the 4th post by dbirdman. It says:

The short answer appears to be that they have decided to require an installer on all commissionings, beginning around mid-January....
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Am having problems downloading it:The page cannot be displayed

Am working on bidding on a new 4000 on ebay, and will let installer install and move dish to a pole. Should eliminate some problems anyway. Just start from scratch, you know.

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Try this FPT site for all DirecWay Modem software for the DW4000!

Try it again.

If you're having an installer come out, there shouldn't be a problem then. Just make sure they register it.

Is a new modem, and remount, and unfortunately probably new sat(old one works fine), so I am fine with paying a little. Although installer already told me if I mount exact same size pole in ground he was fine with that, I might get thicker guage pole and dig a little deeper than he would. Not worried about $125 pole install, just I might do better job.

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Oh goody goody,I hope! DW 4000 just arrived today $5+$10 shipping.Looks to be intact. Does anybody know if there is anyway to be sure,if there is a way to bench test it with out hooking it up online. To see if it is going to be operatable  when I hook it up in Sept. when my contract is up??

Yes Ebay.

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