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i bought a package what came with a CD player for 400 dollars.  its expensive but they are SWEET!!!! i was playing BF2 with them and it was amazing!!! one of the best things i have spent my money on in a while.

wow 400 dollars for headphones,  how nice was the cd player?

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I've got a pair of Maxwell NC-11's. You can use both, normal and noise cancelling.  I think they were about 35 dollars and seem to work very very well.  I don't generally use the noise cancelling part of them, because it doesn't seem like I need it that much when just listening to music, but when I fly, which is increasingly often, I turn the noise cancelling on without listening to any music and can't hear a damn thing (those airplane engines are so loud when you are trying to sleep).  Overall, I really like mine and they were pretty cheap and they block out airplan engine noise, so it's all good.

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