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FROM: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12007

it could be the nic cause i have 2 comps of equal speed and power but totally different speeds.   1 can get 28,000 and the other cant even get 20,000 so that tells you something.  also the comps have the same settings and have both been restored to new  at the same time and used the same cables on both comps tested but no luck.   

do you have an extra nic you could try or maybe a different pc on the same line?

exact same computers ;)

they are servers and everything is the same cause they were bought the same time.  also i have sat there all day and re-instlled the OS on each comp and installed the same software on each comp and the same settings on every program and it still didnt get the comps the same speeds.  the nic cards are INTEL PRO/1000 MT and no i havent tried the registry thing yet

How do the traceroutes compare?  Do you use a router, or 2 separate connections?

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they are all connected for me to use my 3 connections but when i use the cable 1 of the pc's gets way slower speeds than the other and they are the same but when i use the other 2 connections they are fine.  now when i test the 2 pc's i go through 1 router and 1 modem with same settings.  i also made sure the cables were good by switching them and even changed ports on the router.  i checked everything i can think of. :?::?:

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to show off

no its not to show off cause alot of people here know i have this stuff and i already posted alot before but not why i am getting different speed to to different comps with the same specs.  also i know you dont like me for some reason but whatever dont post if your not gonna help and be an ass about it.  if i wanted to show off i can make a thread and post even more that i have to make you mad you cant buy it yourself. 

dont take that the wrong way but you came in here first wiith that

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no its not to show off cause alot of people here know i have this stuff and i already posted alot before but not why i am getting different speed to to different comps with the same specs.  also i know you dont like me for some reason but whatever dont post if your not gonna help and be an ass about it.  if i wanted to show off i can make a thread and post even more that i have to make you mad you cant buy it yourself. 

dont take that the wrong way but you came in here first wiith that

thing is its getting old.. And i dont really care i told u and u know tcniso.. i can get more than u if i wanted.. ;) but its ashame i cant get cable here or id have  better than u

edit: spelling

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Ok let's keep the personal issues to a dull roar.  I'm seriously curious about the technical aspects that cause your speed issues, Blunted/2.  Have you tried connecting both PC's direct to the same modem and performing a download speedtest?  I understand that you have 2 servers running, but why the routers plus switches?  How many nodes are running on your network?  What kind of operation you got running?  What is the purpose?  I imagine we can simplify things to increase efficiency....

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i have 3 ip ranges for lan and each is for each ISP i have so i can connect to it easily and share a ISP if the other is used too much. also i have tried direct connecting and nothing changed still slow speeds from 1 pc.

covad    1500/1500           to

speakeasy    768/6000       to

optimum online  2000/30000 to

the only purpose i have is i am making a network with my friends and it gets bigger every year and i'm adding a 2 block wireless link when it gets warmer to put up but the picture of out link is here. http://vyrax.com/index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=33&page=view&catid=1&PageNo=1&key=13&hit=1

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Try using this speedtest on both PC's.  Extract both files to the same location, run test.bat and post the log file.

what the hell is that?  this is what i got back from the thing you gave me

ftp> Connected to rrweb2.tampabay.rr.com.

open test.tampabay.rr.com


220-|                      *********WARNING*********                    |

220-|This system is restricted solely to Road Runner authorized personnel |

220-|for legitimate business purposes only. The actual or attempted      |

220-|unauthorized access, use or modification of this system is strictly  |

220-|prohibited.  Unauthorized personnel are subject to Road Runner      |

220-|disciplinary proceedings and/or criminal and civil penalties under  |

220-|state, federal or other applicable domestic and foreign laws. The use|

220-|of this system is monitored and recorded for administrative and      |

220-|security reasons. Anyone accessing this system expressly consents to |

220-|such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals      |

220-|possible evidence of criminal activity, Road Runner may provide the  |

220-|evidence of such activity to law enforcement officials.              |




220 rrweb2 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1(2) Mon Apr 16 17:31:13 EDT 2001) ready.

User (rrweb2.tampabay.rr.com:(none)):

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

ftp> Local directory now C:.

ftp> lcd C:

get ftp.50m.sav

200 PORT command successful.

Aborting any active data connections...

Aborting any active data connections.

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ftp> Connected to rrweb2.tampabay.rr.com.

open test.tampabay.rr.com


220-|                      *********WARNING*********                    |

220-|This system is restricted solely to Road Runner authorized personnel |

220-|for legitimate business purposes only. The actual or attempted      |

220-|unauthorized access, use or modification of this system is strictly  |

220-|prohibited.  Unauthorized personnel are subject to Road Runner      |

220-|disciplinary proceedings and/or criminal and civil penalties under  |

220-|state, federal or other applicable domestic and foreign laws. The use|

220-|of this system is monitored and recorded for administrative and      |

220-|security reasons. Anyone accessing this system expressly consents to |

220-|such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals      |

220-|possible evidence of criminal activity, Road Runner may provide the  |

220-|evidence of such activity to law enforcement officials.              |




220 rrweb2 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1(2) Mon Apr 16 17:31:13 EDT 2001) ready.

User (rrweb2.tampabay.rr.com:(none)):

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

ftp> Local directory now C:.

ftp> lcd C:

get ftp.50m.sav

200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ftp.50m.sav (52428800 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

ftp: 52428800 bytes received in 96.79Seconds 541.68Kbytes/sec.

ftp> quit

221-You have transferred 52428800 bytes in 1 files.

221-Total traffic for this session was 52430322 bytes in 1 transfers.

221-Thank you for using the FTP service on rrweb2.

221 Goodbye.

Works for me.  Must be that you're restricted by a network device.

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