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hey this is a great forum.  :D

Can anyone help me with increasing my download speeds as well as upload.

I have downloaded CABLENUT AND TCP OPTIMIZER and i have NO idea what do do with them and how to use them. :?

can anyone help me please and guide me through. Thanks ;):D :D

here are my Download and upload stats:

For Download speed i don't reach higher then 125kB/s and for Upload 16 kB/s.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 978 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 119 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (server1)

Test Time:: Tue Feb 28 2006 22:34:09 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.61 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 41.48 % of your hosts average (co.uk)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1D8OGZQR0

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 119 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 15 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (server1)

Test Time:: Tue Feb 28 2006 22:40:28 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 68.27 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 33.71 % of your hosts average (co.uk)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-57OGXJD96


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Guest jeffwalker9999

after you save the file on cablenut to the registry - click button

you have to reboot to apply the settings

VanB has the cablenut .css setting files at this post

version 8 is the newest


step1=uncompress the zip file

step2=open the .css file

step3=apply to registry by clicking button

step4=reboot pc

I sure someone will help you more if needed

as i'm not good at telling someone how to do something

and may be off or there is a better way

good luck

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I've looked at the settings but i don't know which one is right 4 me.

I'm new to all this things and preety much have no idea what to do.

Please look at my stats and tellme which want should i try, which one is the best one currently.

I'm on a XP system with a 1Mbps Cable Modem.





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to back up your registry go to start,


type regedit, that opens the registry editor,

go to file,

then click on export,

select where you want to save your registry,

make sure that at the bottom under "Export Range" select "All" instead of "Selected branch"

click save, and that's how you make a back up of your registry :D

Good luck,

and have patience, some will come and explain your other question  ;)

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hid, if you are looking to tweak to improve your speeds, I would advise that it is not necessary.  You posted above that you are on a 1 Mbps connection.  Your download test shows a score of 978 Kbps.  That is great....especially from overseas!  It is possible that you may be able to boost your speeds a slight amount from tweaking, but if you do it will only be a tiny amount because it looks like you are reaching your cap already.

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Damn FallowEarth, i completely missed that. Yea you might get maybe a 2% increase, at most. Iworked at my comp for 3 months to get what I did. You have pretty much already maxxed out. But if you have time to do some testing and tinkering like I did. It might be a waste of time. I am just never satisfied.

41.48 % of your hosts average (co.uk)

That means the provider overall. Not your setup.

You could always upgrade to one of their better services!

Looks pretty sweet for your setup!

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Damn FallowEarth, i completely missed that. Yea you might get maybe a 2% increase, at most. Iworked at my comp for 3 months to get what I did. You have pretty much already maxxed out. But if you have time to do some testing and tinkering like I did. It might be a waste of time. I am just never satisfied.

41.48 % of your hosts average (co.uk)

That means the provider overall. Not your setup.

You could always upgrade to one of their better services!

Looks pretty sweet for your setup!

It's no problem, your advise above is something that hid may consider trying anyway.  As you say, it does take time to optimize your PC for your connection.  I find that, as I'm installing and using different software all the time, that I benefit from trying different tweak settings as I go. 

Reading through the vast amount of information in this forum, and learning from the knowledge shared by our users, you will eventually understand how and what to tweak, and you will get an idea of what will work best for your own set up.  All we ask is that you please share what you discover so that other users may benefit from it!

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thanks again everyone.

I would like to have a try at tweeking mY speed settings to see if i can get them any better, if not then i'll just go back to me old settings.

Please help me with choosing the right settings, as i'm new to all this.

I have both cablenut and TCM opt.

If u could recommed me one from the link below, which is best 4 my settings (INFO AVAILABLE AT TOP).


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Starting 8-5-05 I joined and started speed testing and reading. 12-17-05 I wrote my first post, after having tried the TCP Optimizer and tremendously increasing my D/L speeds. And from there I have been tweaking, reading, testing, posting, etc.. Started out around 670, with optimizer went up to about 1000 after about a week of letting settings set in and resetting optimizer, don't know if resetting helped or not, it is just something I did. I have done no registry tweaking. I did end up with  1030 D/L speed consistently for a while, on the 2992 file test. Then one day it just took off,  and do not ask me how, I this happened, because I did not do anything myself. But I stated getting impossible speeds about a month ago," Connection is:: 1450 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)" is my highest so far. And on a Direcway 6000 that is virtually impossible as far as some are concerned. Satellite by the way.

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The problem with me actually helping you is that I am on satellite, and anything related to my internet connection would probably not relate with yours. Not that I don't want to help, but that I am probably not qualified to. So as much as I would like to, I will have to bow out of this one. If you check here

https://www.speedguide.net/tcpoptimizer.phpyou might get your answers. As for where to get Optimizer settings here someone else will have to provide this as I have not been able to find them myself.

Good luck. :D

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well could u help me then and which seeting i should choose.

I think that your first step would be to decide between cablenut and tcp optimizer.  Running both of them may only cause conflicts.  We at this site are more familiar with cablenut, for the most part.

To begin, please read through THIS topic thoroughly.  When you get to step 15, try some of the Cable & DSL 1000 files from VanBuren's custom cablenut settings v.7.  There are also 1500 files in v.7 and v.8, which you could try to see which works best.  Just remember to reboot your computer after applying settings to the registry in order for them to take effect.

Since your speeds are pretty good now, I would advise that you do back up your registry before trying any additional tweaks.

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on sat  ther 4 versions I had avaliable. So you are probably right. Try different one and do back up. To properly test it takes patience. Which I don't have either. You might try one and wait 24 hrs. to try effects, before next one. But yes you do have to reboot to take effect.

PS You might wait 48 hrs if you are patient enough.

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