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midpoint seems to be what im going to try for awhile atleast. And i have 2 lines and 2 modems and isp's so imma try it out. thanks if anyone else has any imput on this subject don't hessitate to reply.

P.s. i was wondering if anyone knew what the exact max upload speed for 56k is i think i remeber like 33.3k or something.



t1wireless;I haven't done teaming so I won't be much help on that.I think most ISP's use V.34 standard for upload instead of V42 bis or V.44 like they do for DL.So this limitts teh upload speed some.Still do you know why you are only connecting at 26.4 K instead of 37K to 40K? Those are my average connection speeds sometimes higher.I'm a pretty good distance from the CO 26800 FT.

Chola nice to see u could help a little.  im sure its because i have more than one a/d jump on my line. im not sure how far the cO is because dslreports says they don't know. Is the co the big green box at the end of my road or what? Its messed up to because my cousin down the road 0.5mile from my house can connect @ 50+ :(. also would this improve my gaming experience?



t1wireless ;Your CO is your telephone companies main terminal

It can be a remote terminal sometimes but thats not the big green boxes.The best way to find you line or loop distance is unfortunatly calling you phone company & finding someone there that can tell you.They should know but finding a tech that can is sometimes not as easy as it should be.The dslreports test shows mine at 16800 ft but the phone company says 26800 so I accept their distance.

If you can try one of your modems a your cousins to see the connection speed.I had an external 56K modem that would never connect faster than 28K even when the internal connected at40K

so it might be your modem.The more than one a/d jump is supposed to be a problem on speed so that could be it.I'm all copper to the CO so I haven't had to go through the analog to digital conversion before it gets to the CO.Thats what the a/d jump does.

Were you able to use the Hyperterminal 'data line quality test" I posted?It doesn't work for everyone I know ROM_DOS was able to use it & boywonder did.MUFFIN couldn't .

I really don't know if it would improve gaming I don't online game.But latency is the main problem with gaming from what other posts have said.

I was reading a couple of articles that said you get between 46 ms & 100 ms with dial-up automatically no matter what.And this applies to each modem so teaming doesn't help .

Thanks cholla , and yes i did use the line test u posted. said i quilify for sbc data line , but i believe that about as far as i can throw a elephant. I mite try taking my modem to my cousin's house and try that but its a new modem and i have had a computer( couple diffrent ones) for about 6-7 years and have had a few diffrent modems and the max speed i get is 28.8 :(  Oh well im stuck in dial-up hell and don't get me started on getting f'd in the a by d-way. but anyways thanks guys always a great help form people here at testmy



t1wireless;I did some surfing so I could have an example of the terminal boxes.I think it gives the you qualify for SBC because it is their test.If you don't have SBC or know you are too far then their sales pitch is wrong.But it gives you the results for at least some indication of your line stregnth.


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