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Amd all the way for gaming. Amd 64 vs x2 you wont see much of a difference in gaming, but what the dual core x2 processors are good for is multitasking because they have 2 cores. Right now most programs the average user uses aren't written for dual core cpus so you won't be able to take full advantage of your cpu, but in the future this will change. If you are just going to be gaming and not running a lot of programs at once go for an amd 64 because gaming wise its the same as an x2 just cheaper.

Do you have any thoughts on overclocking your processor?

I am looking to purchase a new computer soon and I am wondering what processor should i get. I am mostly going to use this computer for gaming. What processor is best for gaming, AMD Athlon 64, AMD Athlon 62 x2, or Intel Pentium D?

right now its amd, but if you can wait about a month or 2 untill intel relases there new processor conroe, whitch is about a 100fps faster then the amd fx-60 in F.E.A.R.

But if you can't wait go with a amd for now.

right now its amd, but if you can wait about a month or 2 untill intel relases there new processor conroe, whitch is about a 100fps faster then the amd fx-60 in F.E.A.R.

But if you can't wait go with a amd for now.

100fps faster? id like too see proof of that, the only benchmarks ive seen show it 20% better,http://www.anandtech.com/tradeshows/showdoc.aspx?i=2713&p=3. Im not saying the conroe wont stomp any amd getting ready to be released i just think ur numbers are a bit off. Aswell as the release date, it definetly wont be out in a month or too, look early Q3 for it to be released.

right now its amd, but if you can wait about a month or 2 untill intel relases there new processor conroe, whitch is about a 100fps faster then the amd fx-60 in F.E.A.R.

But if you can't wait go with a amd for now.

at high res it is about 80fps..  also AMD is expected to move to DDR2 in June when AM2 is too be release... so that might make up some of the performace gap...  Who know what AMD has up its sleeve.. I would not expect Intel to rain supreme for to long..

100fps faster? id like too see proof of that, the only benchmarks ive seen show it 20% better,http://www.anandtech.com/tradeshows/showdoc.aspx?i=2713&p=3. Im not saying the conroe wont stomp any amd getting ready to be released i just think ur numbers are a bit off. Aswell as the release date, it definetly wont be out in a month or too, look early Q3 for it to be released.


Dilatedpeoples28 and swimmer 1 thing about those bench marks, there are all run at 1024x768 with high quality.

you can not test a cup speed accurately when you test at that res. you have to do it at 640x480 with all settings on low, you have to eliminate the gpu as much as you can. they did not do that in eather of those benchmarks. they are inaccurate. you can not run a game benchmark on a cpu at a res. higher then 640x480 it will not give you the correct results.

if you download this http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3?http://aolradio.podcast.aol.com/twit/TWiT0045H.mp3 and go to 32:32 a guy over at http://bit-tech.net ran there own benchmarks on the cpu, with everything at the lowest possable settings, and the new intel cpu was far faster then the amd.

That is the only test that I am seeing that is putting that chip even close to being 100 fps faster..  Every thing else is looking fairly close..  it seems that everyone is running the tests at 1024x768.. http://www.anandtech.com/tradeshows/showdoc.aspx?i=2713&p=3

I wouldn't crown Intel champ yet.. every test is compairing current gen stuff from AMD to next gen stuff from Intel...  Everyone one, especially Intel, has a hiss fit when AMD use to do this to them.  Yes, the next gen of Intel is faster than the current gen of AMD.. but AMD has yet to respond to what Intel has produced.  The bar is indeed higher than, atleast I think, fevery before for AMD to retain the gaming arena.. 

I wouldn't crown Intel champ yet.. every test is compairing current gen stuff from AMD to next gen stuff from Intel...  Everyone one, especially Intel, has a hiss fit when AMD use to do this to them.  Yes, the next gen of Intel is faster than the current gen of AMD.. but AMD has yet to respond to what Intel has produced.  The bar is indeed higher than, atleast I think, fevery before for AMD to retain the gaming arena.. 

i wont crown Intel the champ yet eather, but its going to be tough for amd to match or beat that.

AMD is way better for gaming,  Amd's have shorter pipelines,  which is why the speeds of amd's are slower than intels but with equal performance,  also wat i have noticed is that amd's are cheaper than intel processors.  My advice:  go with the amd 64 if u are just gonna be gaming with it, but if u r gonna be doing some major mutitasking and video editing then i would recommend the x2

i wont crown Intel the champ yet eather, but its going to be tough for amd to match or beat that.

if this http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/02/21/a_look_at_amds_socket_am2_platform/page9.html is any idea of wut the am2 socket will be compared to current gen cpus, then there sint much too look forward to from AMD, the credibility of it isnt great and it may be too soon to tell the true result, but its still somthing to get u thinking.

It is not all that uncommon for AMD or Intel to release pre-manufacture chip to reviewers to focus on one aspect of a chip change.. this would be the change from DDR to DDR2.. I am going to guess that some how AMD is going to get some more performance from that chip..  They have until July before analysts even thing that it will be available.

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