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I use a Lightscribe DVD/CD burner, so I burn my labels, covers, etc. directly onto the disc itself. However, the following site might be useful to you as the covers offered may work for printing as well.


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The software I use is SureThing CD DVD Labeler Deluxe which offers printing as well as burning labels directly to the disc. There is a free version offered directly through Lightscribe at the following link which also gets the job done.

See here: SureThing 4 SE

Hope this helps you out. Good luck! :)

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Thanks - just 2 clear a few things

what you mean ''printing as well as burning labels directly to the disc''. how do u put them directly on disk, do you have a machine that does that. also if i print them, will i need a special glue-type substance to apply the cover to disk.

if i print the dvd covers off, will they be in their exact size without me adjusting them i.e. i just cut them off paper and slide them in.

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Thanks - just 2 clear a few things

what you mean ''printing as well as burning labels directly to the disc''. how do u put them directly on disk, do you have a machine that does that. also if i print them, will i need a special glue-type substance to apply the cover to disk.

if i print the dvd covers off, will they be in their exact size without me adjusting them i.e. i just cut them off paper and slide them in.

The machine that he is talking about is built into some cd/dvd burners and it is called lightscribe allowing you to burn labes onto a cd/dvd using label technology( i myself have lightscribe and honestly i nvr use it). 

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well i wanted it for cd cases but cd label info also helps.

well i don't have the lebel scribe with my burner so do i need a special glue or can i use any typr od glue subtance.

Any more websites on cd and dvd covers will help.Thanks

Personally I don't put labels on cds, but you can get stick-on labels that you can print on.

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