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Hello all

I need to build a 1u rackmount server. I run a gameserver from home but it has outgrown my home connection and to send my tower to co-location is to expensive. So alternative is to build a 1u server.

I am good with normal PCs but when it comes to these 1u systems i am lost and need some help.

Here is what the server will be running.

Gameserver written in java

Loginserver written in Java

Database is MySQL

Java being as resource hungry as it is needs a very good CPU or maybe even duals. At least 2GB Ram to start with and upgradeable to 4 or 5 GB. The server software is pretty sensitive when reading writing to the DB so some 15000rpm SCSI drives are probably in order. 2 in Raid0 Or maybe 3 in Raid5.

Will be connected 100mbit.

I am in Canada so will probably need to order from here:


Buy the looks of things i will need to buy a barebones and add to it.

Thanks for any help


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lorne..  This is what I have...  it is a 2U rackmount..


Here is what I did.. check ebay.. I got this case.. http://www.cidesign.com/product_detail.jsp?productID=18  It has the SCSI backplane.. but I am currently not using it as I have no need or the money for SCSI drives at the moment.  The other thing that you might consider is looking into Sata.. the industry is moving that direction on most of the 1u servers due to improved data rates and reduced clutter inside the case.  The only problem.. these cases cost between $300-800 and cidesign doesnt sell to the public :roll: 

If you are going to be putting stress of any type on this system dont go 1u.. the heat from the hard drives and processor is going to lead to an early failure and that mean a trip or paid support time at $100+ per hour to get it back running. 

As far as building one.. if you have stuff laying around.. by all means hit up ebay and find a case.. then throw the board and stuff into the case..  If you do go 1U you are going to have to get a new low profile heatsink..  However, if you decide to go build I would buy instead.  That way if something does go wrong you dont have to play the blame game.  Right now dell is running a special on their 2U 2850 servers.. You can get a 2.8 xeon, 1024mb of ram, 3 year next business day onsite, 73GB Ultra 320 SCSI, dual onboard nic, no os.. for $1,253.00 (US) they are running 34% off right now..

The other thing you might want to think about doing is mirroring the co-lo box so that you have a test environment..  When you are remote hosting a box that is completly under you control, messing it up will be an expensive adventure.  Unlike dedicated.. where there are techs can throw a new ghost on and get you back up and running.  So if you do decided to go co-lo and sent out a server, I would highly suggest building a test box so that you have something to fiddle with before moving the new program/patch/or what ever on to the production box. 

One other think about co-lo.. 99% of the companies are not going to install the box on to their racks for your.  Which means a trip with the box in hand to the location.  I would also suggest getting some mounting hardware, server rails, just to be safe. 

If you have any questions.. you know where i am..

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Thanks for the info swimmer :) I better check the co-locations site a bit better as it is quite a distance from me and i can't go to the actual datacenter.

The test box i have and definetly is a good idea. Servers going SATA..i hadn't heard that until now. SATA 2 is better than than scsi? I have really been outa the loop lately :)



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yeah.. it is still not main stream yet.. but it will be shortly, i think..


good little article of what manufactures are coming up with these days..

My guess would be that is a bit more expensive than SCSI right now..

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So who wants to help me put together a parts list for this server? Kinda like the good ol days and the pimputer :D

I want to build it myself and not order a prebuilt 1. 2u i will go with i think. Also i can order parts as i have the money...i won't be able to save a lump sum for a prebuilt as i am bad with money :lol:

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Alright here we go..

Case:  Chenbro RM214

This case ranges from about $370 to a little over $500 depending on where you buy from.  I would recommend looking on ebay for a case!  You can get them for under $100 shipped.  Mine, http://www.cidesign.com/product_detail.jsp?productID=18 , was $67 shipped.  The Chenbro ships with a Ultra 160 SCSI backplane..  Which means that the drives can be hot swapable.  There are very few cases that are shipping SATA standard. 

Motherboard: Tyan

These are the boards that I have looked at.. Depending on what you are looking for as far as hard drives go (Sata or SCSI) the prices are going to range from about $350-700 for a dual processor board that is dual core ready.  You might not need that much power..

Memory: for the Tyan S2881U (Thunder K8S)

For a 1GB module.. it is going to run about $200 bucks..

Hard drives:

Again this depends on Sata or SCSI.. If it is SCSI you can find them one ebay pretty easy.. just make sure you are getting the slim ones not the thick ones..

Processor: AMD Opteron 246

Standard dual core 2.0ghz Opteron.. $237 (CAD)

Again.. you might want to start a generation before what is out right now.. I know there are some good buys out there on ebay..

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