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As i have brought up before, the security at our school is pretty strict. They block every friggin thing and its extremly anoying... is there ANY way possible to get AIM or AIM express or anything so that i can socialize with my friends, because i have block scheduling and 3 out of 4 blocks i do NOTHING and would prefer to talk to friends and relitives. If all else fails ill just go buy a little flash drive and install AIM on that or something but i prefer to try to get around this security crap and get it so i can save cash.  Any ideas anyone?

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As i have brought up before, the security at our school is pretty strict. They block every friggin thing and its extremly anoying... is there ANY way possible to get AIM or AIM express or anything so that i can socialize with my friends, because i have block scheduling and 3 out of 4 blocks i do NOTHING and would prefer to talk to friends and relitives. If all else fails ill just go buy a little flash drive and install AIM on that or something but i prefer to try to get around this security crap and get it so i can save cash.  Any ideas anyone?

probally not because the proxy server that your school uses blocks the aim port, 5190. you can try a few things called anonymous browsers.

my brother uses this one, http://www.bitty.com/manual/?contentvalue=kevinrose&contenttype=digg;username and he is able to go to any site, with it.

as far as getting aim or aim exresss to work, i wouldn't even wast your time, because what it is going to take to do it, is not worth the risk.

though if you can dial out using a dial-up modem or your "CELL PHONE" hint hint then you could do it.

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it is still going to require network access.. so if they blocked AIM.. then it doesnt matter where it is physically installed.. the other thing that you could do is vpn into your home computer..  if they have the ports open.. I would have to look but i think VPN uses UDP and you have to have IPSec pass through and the microsoft protocol allowed..

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yeah i figured much so.

if i installed AIM on a flash drive, i could use it through that couldnt i?

no, because the proxy/firewall will block the traffic over the aim port. they actually block all traffic, except port 80 inbound traffic. if you can some how get a line outside like over dial-up or a cellphone, they you can do what ever you want.

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it is still going to require network access.. so if they blocked AIM.. then it doesnt matter where it is physically installed.. the other thing that you could do is vpn into your home computer..  if they have the ports open.. I would have to look but i think VPN uses UDP and you have to have IPSec pass through and the microsoft protocol allowed..

vpn port is blocked, all ports except port 80 inbound is blocked.

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You might be able to use a program called SIMP by Secway. I use to use this program for MSN Messenger to encrypt my conversations they have a prog for AIM also. If i remember right it uses you localhost for the proxy and uses port forwading. Might be worth checking out. For MSN it uses port 11863 not sure if the ports are the same for all Messengers or not.


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