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  • 1 month later...

Yea, they do, it's just incredibly slow.

I think, in all seriousness, I am going to sit down and write a letter to Cingular HQ and explain to them that if they don't catch up with the other phone companies sometime soon, they are going to lose all sorts of customers.

I mean, for god's sake, a year and a half after Verizon comes out with about 10 music-player phones cingular comes out with one that's got iTunes on it. So, Verizon says 'ok' and does the same.......and their phone is out a week later!!!!

I'm not saying I don't like Cingular, though, for all the crap I have been through with them replacing my phone about 7 times, and constantly having a bill of at least $20 over what it should be, they should pay me to be a customer! lol  ;)

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yeah, wireless internet service is cool no matter what speed.  I'm posting now with t-mobile internet service, been using it for the past few days no problems, on the edge network.  just a little slower than they said.  but using a phone as a modem to a laptop, usual speeds from 90-200kbps tmodns.net

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  • 3 weeks later...

"cingulars stuff is slow because the haven't opened it up all the way, hopefully they will someday. In general all this stuff is slow but at least on verizons EVDO they opened it up and made it actually useable"

ATT is rubbing off on them with late and slow  deployments lol

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  • 2 years later...

Slow? i don't think so I have unlimited with 3G and have hit as high as 4400 kbps down and 1500 kbps up using the opera mini browser on the dual test. Posting from the phone right now in fact. 

First no 3G service will go that fast right now. your luck if you get 2mbps right now.

And second, You can't use the opera mini browser to do a speed test. Opera mini uses a proxy to display the full page. The page is downloaded and rendered on there server. So when you do a speed test using opera mini, the test is actually taken on operas server, not the phone.

Blackberry's do the same thing.

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