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Hi all

A friend  :( has a P.B. puter with win Xp home pre installed, the hard drive has failed, I have replaced this and changed the MB. , and all is ok, except , no operating system  naturaly,(Loaded win 98 just to check it out )

I have Xp home disk, Hopefully she has her lic. key,( havent checked this  out yet )  as she brought this puter from pc world several years back,

so can I install my xp home using her lic. key , without any problems ,

Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question, but I am a bit of a newbie,,

I just what this to work out ok, as she is upset over loosing the use of her puter,

I am ok on the install part, but she is woried about being all legal etc.

yeah, she is a nice lady, so I am doing it for free,       


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Roco ;As far as I know there is no problem if she has her lic.key.I think with MS its one computer to one license.Hers seems to qualify since it's ths same cpmputer with a new HD.But I bet she originally had a P.B. clone or ghost disc & it won't have a lic.key.

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Thanks Cholla , yes she has a recovery disk with the P.B. but but it seems to point to the original H.D. so that is why I am goping to reload the new HD,

I will phone her to check if she can find her lic. key, I just hope she has that,

thanks for the advice, 

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I'm not an expert in the HD changing but you may need a different setting in the BIOS if you changed the type HD. You might need to use the jumper & reset the CMOS too if the BIOS doesn't need anything.In the BIOS you probably want the CD first in the primary start up until you get Windows loaded.Might also have to see if theres a flash Bios update for the P.B.

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right. of course you should re-autodetect the new hard drive. then the restore disk might accept it and restore the prefabbed image to it. otherwise you will need a valid license to install a windows cd. if you don't have the key, contact the pc mfr. for  the same. if you want to buy a copy remember that the upgrade will accept any valid license from 98se upwards. save you a hundred bucks that way.

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Hi Cholla, thanks , I have got it up and running on win 98 I will reformat b4 putting Xp home on, I just needed some reassurance b4 going ahead with the new install, The lady makes me kinda jumpy, her puter is like her baby,

I just wanted all to go right , after all is running OK , I am going to fit a second HD, so she can save her important stuff ( family history) on a second drive,

I have also given her a 1Gb usb. pen drive , so I can back up this data for her, and put it on to a CD.

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