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No-Matter what "Tweaks" I try...It won't go faster...

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I notice after about a week of my cable going off and on for days on end (I did get 2 weeks credit!) that my ISP speeds went up on the download speeds...but I'm still capped at about 1mbs download... :-|

Look at my screenshots below and tell me if I can go faster...or if they've got me capped...I'm actually already going over their advertised speed or 1000/512, but I want the extra they got to...yea I know I'm selfish...hehe... :)



Oh yea!!! That's how I got that high...Before I used CableNut my download speed was only 958 Kbps... ;)

I used all the tricks including latency calculations for throughput to get that speed...It's just that I see the average for my ISP is higher (1225 Kbps) than what I'm goin so I want to go that speed too!!!  :haha:  :D

And this is just for Brock... ;)



What you are looking at is the average for all packages of that ISP. So there are different packages for your ISP. And you will only get higher if you pay for a faster package.

. . .I don't think 'Cheetos' has any faster packages.

BE HAPPY ~ MUff!N ~ but don't stop tweakin'!! have you tried some of the tweaks in Performance Tuning and Services?

That is the Residential speeds...But you can get the 3000/1.500 package...but it costs a TON more...and I'm just not gonna pay that kind of money for Cable... :? You see I live up in the Mountains of Arizona (6,000' ) and this is what they have here...no Cox, Verison, etc...just Cheetah (npg cable) Or, Quest DSL...and I don't want to do that because the Alarm system is hooked up to the phonelines...so that has to have "special" filters install, ect...Just the installation alone would have been over $200...but the cable was already here and only cost $15...so... ;)

Cheeto's haha...  :haha:

Nah...haven't tried those tweaks yet but I'll giver a whirl...I can always put it back to the way it is now if it goes slower... ;)

OK...I'll try them...see what happens...

Anyways, I'm not really compaining...after all I used to be on Dialup!!! Just to say that this is much faster really doesn't hit home until you look at a visual of just how much faster it is!!! :shock:

Check out the difference in throughput... :haha:



Tweaks cant change your cap

if you get 90 to 100% of the advertised speed, you shouldnt tweak

read the sticky  ;)

VanBuren :)

Oh Van...I went from 958 Kbps to 1061 Kbps using CableNut...and if you look at the little RED line you'll see I'm not getting 90% of my hosts average...now, as you were saying???  ;) Man...No help from the CableNut Master Tweaker here huh...  :(

I was just looking to get 100 Kbps more outa it...if I could...I figured there was no harm in ask'n.... :-|


Oh Van...I went from 958 Kbps to 1061 Kbps using CableNut...and if you look at the little RED line you'll see I'm not getting 90% of my hosts average...now, as you were saying???  ;) Man...No help from the CableNut Master Tweaker here huh...  :(

I was just looking to get 100 Kbps more outa it...if I could...I figured there was no harm in ask'n.... :-|

host average has nothing to do with the speed you pay for....

in my opinion host average should be deleted, cos it confuse more then it help since ISP

Since you put it that way...uhmmm a... :roll:

Yes, I am going faster than almost everyone where I live...I think I'm 1 in 6 that has this kind of speed with this package...OK, I asked...and now I'm happy with my speed!!!

Thanks Van... :D  Oh...btw, that was the first thing I did was read your sticky...but the blank (Windows default settings) spaces you left in the CableNut adjuster slowed down "my" connection so I did something else with it...but I did check you post(s) out first...I admin a forum myself, so I understand the concept... ;)

But, you did help me in getting a better in depth understanding of the readouts  :!:

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