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since i'll be getting money and hopefully alot

i've been looking into upgrading either my processor or motherboard, but im not sure what too look for in a gaming type computer running hot and cold, with a processor of speeds up too 3GHz. what should i do, right now i have a stock Intel Desktop Mb,

4 Serial ATA

pci-e x16 [1]

pci-3 [2]

pci-1 [1]

gigabyte ethernet

dvd n read drive connection

4 ram slots

3 fan connections

and it fits a Intel Slot T Pentium 4 ht tech processor 3.00GHz

its nice but the case is getting old, the motherboards STOCK and it runs hot.

what should i do about this

buy a new motherboard

or buy a new processor

i need something good enough to game with

and runs with no lag

price unlimited  :D


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coolings no issue i have a 120 mm Zalman all copper heat sink and fan on its way, the problem is what should i do upgrade cpu or motherboard. coolings nothing for me. i just open the windows and let freesh cold air in, its mainly how crampped my case is, so ill be upgrading that soon thanks tho.

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its nice but the case is getting old, the motherboards STOCK and it runs hot

x_6985381 ;That's why I thought you might need some cooling.Since with the right cooling your motherboard won't run hot I would go for the new CPU unless you think the heat has already damaged the motherboard.If that is the situation the the heat has probably damaged the CPU too so replace both.

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Guest PeePs
and it fits a Intel Slot T Pentium 4 ht tech processor 3.00GHz

So you have a 3.00 Ghz cpu in it right now, or that is the fastest your MB supports? (I'm an AMD guy so I don't know the Intel Slot types)

If you already have a 3.00 GHz processor than I think you should go for a new video card. Your motherboard has the PCI-E 16 slot for the newest video cards. Basically I would either upgrade the cpu or the video card. I've got the GeForce 7800 GT and it is a dandy!

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coolings no issue i have a 120 mm Zalman all copper heat sink and fan on its way, the problem is what should i do upgrade cpu or motherboard. coolings nothing for me. i just open the windows and let freesh cold air in, its mainly how crampped my case is, so ill be upgrading that soon thanks tho.

a motherboard is not going to help you go much faster, it might make a tiny difference, but not as much as a new CPU or video card might. you may want to wait and see what happens when conroe comes out here in a few months.

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Ram would be my first pick..  Then video card.. then motherboad/cpu.. 

the 6600 is getting a little out dated.. and from what it sounds like you have a fairly new motherboard.  3ghz single core still has a lot of life left in it.  Unless you are dying to go dual core I would invest the money into a Video card or more ram.. I would say 1gb - 1.5gb would be a good amount for a gamer at this point..  If you are running dual channel then you might want to look at 2gb..

How much are we talking about here?

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You won't be able to upgrade to a new mobo without a new case, and most likely a new PSU.  Dell loves to stick proprietary crap in their systems, and aftermarket stuff is not compatible with their hardware.  If your price is unlimited, as you said, I'd go for an Opteron 165, 7900GT, and either the DFI Infinity SLI mobo, or one of their higher versions.  I can suggest a PSU if you're actually interested.

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