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do you want to have the same thing show up on both monitors or do you want it to be a expanded desktop?

actually. an expanded desktop would be better...i was first thinking of the same on both monitors but i want an expanded desktop.

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well for a expanded desktop a dual head cable will not work, you have to have a dual head video card.

ok can you please provide a link of what you think is a good card...please note..this isn't for gaming at all so if possible avoid a card that is good for gameing...i just want it on a spare pc that does misc. stuff but no gaming. except like cs. 1.6 and condition zero...thats all the gaming i do on it.


starship troopers

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ok can you please provide a link of what you think is a good card...please note..this isn't for gaming at all so if possible avoid a card that is good for gameing...i just want it on a spare pc that does misc. stuff but no gaming. except like cs. 1.6 and condition zero...thats all the gaming i do on it.


starship troopers

for PCI express http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814143050

For AGP http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814143038+

you can go cheaper if your on AGP.

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i'm pci...sorry i should have posted that.

thanks for the links. great help :D


starship troopers

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also i was reading it some more. they said it can run doom 3 and stuff on high/ultra high....i didn't even want it for gaming...as my integrated card on one pc now can't even run call of duty  :haha: since everything but the graphics card is good enough i'm gonna put it in that pc instead...(i was gonna put it in a pc with a 128mb geforce 6100 card. cause i have an extra slot) but i really like that pci express card. thanks alot dlewis23.

i would have edited post but it said the time limit to edi the post has expired...didnt know there was a time limit but ok....  i do now i guess  :lol:


starship troopers

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hey dlewis23, how about this card also    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814102641

or is that not as good....also...on the card you gave me. one port was VGA and one was DVI....can i anyhow get to VGA ports?

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hey dlewis23, how about this card also    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814102641

or is that not as good....also...on the card you gave me. one port was VGA and one was DVI....can i anyhow get to VGA ports?

that card is just as good if not a little better because of the faster memory.

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dumb question of the day here dlewis....i can put 2 VGA monitors in there right

yes it had a DVI to VGA connection that comes with it, you put that on the DVI connector and it becomes VGA.

thats not that dumb of a question, ive had at least 3 today that were worse.

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yes it had a DVI to VGA connection that comes with it, you put that on the DVI connector and it becomes VGA.

thats not that dumb of a question, ive had at least 3 today that were worse.

well i saw that connecter but i wanted to make sure. thanks :) 

starship troopers

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i've been reading more reviews on the newegg site for those cards and some guy said it wasn't compatable with his mother board....not sure if its compatible with mine..how do i check. ??    sorry..but i'm not very good at all with graphics cards..  :icon_pale:   

Thanks  :)

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i've been reading more reviews on the newegg site for those cards and some guy said it wasn't compatable with his mother board....not sure if its compatible with mine..how do i check. ??    sorry..but i'm not very good at all with graphics cards..  :icon_pale:   

Thanks  :)

don't worry about it not working, aslong as your motherboard is not one of the hybird motherboards with a PCI ecpress and a AGP express slot your fine.

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don't worry about it not working, aslong as your motherboard is not one of the hybird motherboards with a PCI ecpress and a AGP express slot your fine.

sweet thanks...and i have bought a 512mb of ram from newegg before...i used to only have 128 and running xp....never do that again lol......anyways...i am thinking of buying another 512 with the card. because right now i have a 128 and a 512 intalled...i think i should take the 128 out and replace it with a 512....the extra ram is only like 39 so i think i will

thanks alot dlewis for the help. it was much needed :D


starship troopers

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sweet thanks...and i have bought a 512mb of ram from newegg before...i used to only have 128 and running xp....never do that again lol......anyways...i am thinking of buying another 512 with the card. because right now i have a 128 and a 512 intalled...i think i should take the 128 out and replace it with a 512....the extra ram is only like 39 so i think i will

thanks alot dlewis for the help. it was much needed :D


starship troopers

keep the 128 in there and add a 512. you shoud be able to have at least 2 sticks of ram.

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keep the 128 in there and add a 512. you shoud be able to have at least 2 sticks of ram.

thats my current config. i have 2 slots...in one slot is a 128 (came with pc) and on my second slot it ws empty but i bought a 512...i was thinking of replacing the 128 with a new 512. that way i'll have 2 512's

starship troopers

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if the board supports it and the 512 you have is already a dual channel stick be sure you buy one with identical or at least very close timing values so you can make use of the dual channel advantages.

yeah. and i'm getting the exact 512 stick i bought before so they'll be the same.

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i thought you just a 128mb stick and were going to replace it. but the way you have it is good adding another 512mb of ram will be good.  :D

yeah. all together it'll be like $123.49 without tax...that includes shipping.

i'm just waiting untill sunday or monday to place my order. so after i place the order it should be 3 day shipping. i'll let you guys knwo how it goes. thanks for the help :D

starship troopers

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ok i'm ordering RAM and graphics card sometime this week but before i do i was hoping to get a confirmation that my dell dimension 4500S (yes its a 4500S not 4500 ...i've been asked that before just to make sure so its not a typo :roll: ) will be able to use the PCI express card that dlewis (i beleive it was dlewis23) supplied me the link to. also i was told that i needed to watch out because my current crt monitor only has a max resolution of 1280x1024 and the card has one of 2048 by something. i was told tht could be bad on the monitor. but i'd keep the resolution around 1024x768 . sorry for the "bringing back" of this thread. but i was curious  :roll:


starship troopers

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