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Hey everyone,

This is my first post, although I frequently troll these forums. 

I was wondering what would be causing many web pages not to load.  On some sites, I continuously receive the following message:

Failure To Connect To Web Server

Furthermore, www.example.com may not work, but example.com will work.  I'm confused as to why this happens.  However, my main concern is with the lack of websites that load, period.  They fail to reach the webpage, or I get a typical "Webpage not found" error from IE, etc.  It's very annoying, and for the price I am paying I'm not sure what is wrong.  Direcway is no help with telephone support.  They tell me to reboot the modem, and give it time.  Then, after that has been done; they tell me bad weather, or high volumes are causing the issues. 

However, when I can only load various sites once every 100 attempts, something is most definately wrong.  Does anyone know what I can do to remedy this problem of mine?  It'd be much appreciated if I could use my very expensive technology to view the websites I want to go to.

Thanks in advance,


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"They tell me to reboot the modem, "

I assume you mean unplugging the modem cable, not in the site

If not try unplugging the modem cable and touch with your finger at least 30 seconds.

Also are you cleaning out your cache daily?

Defragging files?

I do all that before I even start surfing, it helps me even though some will say some is not necessary.

By the way,  www.example.com does not work for me either.

Would you post a speed test using the 2992 file test?

Also check to see if your system is properly grounded.

And go up and see if your satelite nose has water in it.

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Restarting, you mean like the lights go out and the slowly come on by their selves? That would be  truly annoying!

Especially if you werein the middle of something!

No, I don't know what the lights do. I don't think they do anything, but the modem just restarts by itself.. Check it out, it's done it 6 times today..


Entry Number 0:


Time of Reset : SAT JUL 08 20:24:14 2006 [GMT]

Asserted at : t=tMct /cm_data/pessd/rem2/ssu/wdm.c#235:

Reset Type : Valid Software Reset

Reset Reason : Software Watchdog Timer timeout in tEvtMgr task


Entry Number 1:


Time of Reset : SAT JUL 08 14:33:51 2006 [GMT]

Asserted at : t=tMct /cm_data/pessd/rem2/ssu/wdm.c#235:

Reset Type : Valid Software Reset

Reset Reason : Software Watchdog Timer timeout in tEvtMgr task


Entry Number 2:


Time of Reset : SAT JUL 08 04:52:49 2006 [GMT]

Asserted at : t=tMct /cm_data/brighton/source/usr_s3.c#489:

Reset Type : Valid Software Reset

Reset Reason : Unexpected VxWorks Exception


Entry Number 3:


Time of Reset : SAT JUL 08 04:52:49 2006 [GMT]

Asserted at :

Reset Type : Power Up Reset

Reset Reason : System Power Up


Entry Number 4:


Time of Reset : SAT JUL 08 01:51:00 2006 [GMT]

Asserted at : t=tMct /cm_data/brighton/source/usr_s3.c#489:

Reset Type : Valid Software Reset

Reset Reason : Unexpected VxWorks Exception


Entry Number 5:


Time of Reset : SAT JUL 08 01:51:00 2006 [GMT]

Asserted at :

Reset Type : Power Up Reset

Reset Reason : System Power Up

I didn't do the power ups..

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I guess I was referring to when you restart it yourself it turns out the lights and they come on one at a time.

Have you  asked Hughes.net?

No, it restarts by itself.. I'm not where the modem is so I can't see it when it happens.

Hughes would just tell me it's bad weather or something..

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Thats one thing I don't like about the modems, you have to rely on them keeping them updated. I would call them anyway. Sometimes (rarely) they are helpful!  ;)

No thanks. I don't feel like wasting 2 hours of my time being on hold. That just doesn't interest me.

I think the only things they would give me is: bad weather, and then they would tell me to not look in the advanced system page anymore.

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