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Would getting

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ASDL be better than putting u with HughesNet (direcway)?

And if it is does anyone know a range of price for adsl?

yes it would be much better satellite internet, if you can get it. as far as price goes its all different depending on the provider. your looking at like 17$-$50 a month.

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yeah im pretty sue i can get it.

i remember asking SBC awhile back.

I'll call them in the morning.

Will I be able to play online games with it?

Do you know the avarge download & upload?

yes you can play games online with it. for speed it depends on your area, they offer anywere from 1.5mbps to 6.0mbps.

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ADSL be better than putting up with HughesNet (DirecWay)?

And if it is does anyone know a range of price for adsl?


Sorry but I dream about ADSL coming to me!

Absolutley much better. No fap, no storm outages, nice smooth service, no big buck  equipment charges, no dish repointing, English speaking tech's, real time service...

And cheaper.

Why would you not want to?

I'll tell you what, if you can find one post older than today( shug would make one just to make me lose  :nono: ) that someone was thrilled about getting to go satelite service instead of DSL, I will eat my cordless mouse.  :evil:

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i asked about ISDN, thats 125K up/down


$125 set u fee.

They told me ADSL and DSL was the same thing, im not going to argue w/ them. So no is that ISDN worth it?

Yeah ISDN is old school setup. Dependable and slow and expensive. I had the same option.(did not want)

And yes DSL is sort of a nickname for ADSL.

Sat is definately much better than ISDN.

Its not bad once you get used to it. And will have to do til DSL arrives. Now there is always T-1 which is real nice if you like car payment type prices.  :D

Very pricey. My connection is just not worth it.

Unless you can justify it with a business write-off. Then maybe.

You will for sure regret getting satellite. Trust me

I don't regret it, I just can't wait for something better. When my contract is up if sat is all that is available still, I will stick with sat. as it still beats dial-up.

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