The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 I took this picture at 3:00AM UTC to show my speeds under a heavy downpour, SS of 91 (my best is 97) ...and with 'zero" traffic on G4R @1202MHz. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tbrown Posted January 14, 2005 CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 Hey Rev...nice to see I'm not the only one still up..LOL!! My speeds finally jumped back up to normal....but from 3p.m. to 11p.m. I cant even get a page to load! If the problem IS on their end..I hope they get it taken care of soon, this is RIDICULOUS!! Well, just thought I'd keep ya posted. Thanx again for all the help!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 Oh yes ....I have established FOR SURE that the problems are all on THEIR end. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 14, 2005 CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 heh reverend :nice speed I posted some of my tests from this morning on VanBurans topic "post your speed & how much you pay monthly".So i didn't put then in again here.I can't get DSL I'M 28600 ft from the Telco.I could get cable here but some aren't too satisfied with the service here.I'm thinking about it though.How do you get such a nice copy of the test mine look like the copy & paste type because that is what I do.What way do you do this? Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 Hi Cholla! Thanks for the "kudos' with regard to speed ....just before logging in for the day I check mine again and it is still up at 1011 I have no complaints as long as it stays there for the entire day. Been getting some deadly slow speeds around 2PM each day for over a week now. I am so far from ANY line that I am afraid I will be a DirecWay Lifer since I can't beatem, I joined them! HA! lol.... The way I capture an image is by using a little programme called SnagIt version 7. After it 'snags' the picture it turns it into a .bmp which I then export (or import into) Photoshop 7. Then I touch it up, clean up the edges and generally enhance or even resize the pic ...then export it as a .gif, or jpg, or bmp, or png file and apply as much compression to it as I wish this face it was compressed to half ot it's original (which is the neat thing about jpg and jpeg) ...and voila. One very clean screen capture! There is a FREE programme that does exactly the same thing as SnagIt does, I trialed it and was very impressed. Give me a few to locate that sucker and I'll see if I can shrink it enough to post on here. If not, I will ask that you e-mail me then I'll send it to you as an attachment. (Assuming I can find my way back to whereever it was that I stumbled across it. With SnagIt or the Freeware version of whatever it was, after you do your capture the pic comes up in a box giving you some decent tools for editing the photo with, yet nothing terribly fancy ...just the bare bones you need for a "clean" pic is all. Keep an eye on the General Topics section as I may post it there too along with a short description. I'll need to plug in a USB external HDD in order to find it since my "twins" are running at 80% ...heheh.....I am trying to catalogue the world here! Cheers! The Reverend *I'll post some step by step "tricks" for working with images to get them OFF your monitor and onto a Post, or how to 'snag' a pic that is "protected" off a website and into your HDD. lol... (I think that it's silly to put something in the HTML to prevent the downloading of photos when there are over 20 programmes that can "lift" it with three mouse clicks)! heheh... Silly people and their "rights" these days. How can anyone own a picture of a sunset (for example)? lol.... Even more, how can anyone own a picture of another person just because they took the picture? That isn't even logical is it? Or, at least to me it isn't anything I release (which is alot of pics) are all public domain. Wellt then, I need to shut my face and get finding that file for ya! Thanks for your post Cholla! (you have me thinking about chilli left and right lately .....thanks alot)! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 14, 2005 CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 heh reverend : thanks for the trouble to try to look for the Freeware I always like that price when I can get it.I just got my first computer last April 2004 it is pretty low tech compared to yours.Its a refurbished IBM with windows 98 se so if the freeware won't work in this os no need to go tothe trouble just for me .A post for others would be good if this freeware only is for more up to date os.I run into this a lot with windows 98 se.It is a good program to learn on .Right now I barley know a .bmp from a .jpg but I'm a pretty fast learner.I started kind of late with computers.Actually this is not my first computer I did have & still do have a Commedore 64.Some may not like the old games but the old 64 has a blackjack program better than any I've seen.I still hook it up & play it once in awhile.I also have an old Matell Intelevision game If you have never seen one of these it was the cutting edge in electronic games when I bought it I think that was in the late 70's.Its joystick is a disk direction control with a 10 key pad you put the card for the individual game in a slot in front of the 10 keys .Thats just a plastic card the game uses cartriges.You talked about the XIT in Dalhart said you played there .I guess in a cw band Pretty big party there only went a couple of times .I guess when its close you ignore good stuff.I prefer PBR & Extreme bull PRCA to just regular rodeo . But I did go to the PRCA finals 1 year when thet were in OK City. Thanks Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tbrown Posted January 14, 2005 CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 Here's my speeds at 11:30 AM....Now don't be jeolous of my BLAZING speeds..LMAO!! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 181 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 22 KB/s Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 3 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 46.55 second(s) Validation Link:: Well worth the $90 a month!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 Ah! Yes, back in my younger days one of my collateral duties was to work with Navy Public Relations, and so I was the lead vocalist and lead guitarist for a U.S. Navy Band called "Country Empire." We were a "hot" band that did nothing but open up shows for the CW Stars, plus we played (literally) all over the world to include the Grande Ole Oprey (live) three times. It was a blast, but nothing lasts forever. The bass guitarist and the lead female vocalist are both dead and buried now. I lost track of the others years ago. Anyway, we played the XIT every year for several years in a row. Since you are running Win98SE, allow me to introduce you to a software (freeware) programme that is the very best addition to 98SE anyone could have. It's called IrfanView 3.95 and will greatly assist you in taking a messy photograph and turning it into something much nicer. It will also play movies too! (It has too many features to list! In fact, you can even use it to do light editing of audio (or at least it will play sounds of most any type when using 98SE! HINT: When you install it, in the very first box that pops up MAKE SURE that you uncheck the two boxes that say something about eBay. You DO NOT WANT that stuck in your computer! lol.... It make for more headaches than it is worth! Here's the link to the mainpage. The writer is a friend of mine named Irfan Ziljan ...very cool dude with a brain like Einstein! You will want to download and install both the main programme and the plugins. I would have posted it here but it is slightly larger than the limit! Cheers! The Reverend Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 Dang Mr T!!!! I ran a test after seeing your post and found that I am half-speed (582) DWay is obviously at it again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 14, 2005 CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 hi reverend: thanks for the effort the url didn't work I got the old can't find page.So I used my ms search typed in just irfanveiw it came up with a list of places to download I tried the one that looked like the home page it did the can't find too.Then I went to the download that cnet had it worked fine.I just saved it for now I will load it later to see how it works.Super cool to play for the Grand Ole Opry I 'm not a musiciam myself but I play a mean stereo.I mostly listen to rock but being a native Texan I have listened to some country all my life.Even went to see aWillie Nelson concert I saw A Johnny Cash one too his back-up were the Stattler Brothers doing their new song "Counting Flowers on the Wall" at least it was new then I was 8 or 9 years old I think.I also chauffeured for ZZ Top at a concert here.We had an 18 inch snow the night of the concert .Riding in it kind of freaked those east Texas boys out.I knew a pretty young lady that worked for the promoter is how I got to do this got paid $50.00 & saw the concert for free with a backstage pass. :cool:Thanks again Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 CHOLLA!!!!!!! No worries, I am making two posts. One with the programme in it, the next with the plugins in it. Stuff them both into their own folder, unzip, execute the main (smaller) program then install the (larger) Plug-ins! No need for you to fight the web trying to get the silly thing! Must be an "issue" of some sort on your transponder ...some are reporting good traffic, others are barely moving! Here the main programme! Standby by Part II, the Plugins ....which is nearly 5MB! Big file when your upload is presently at 12! LOL.....I love DirecWay! The Reverend Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 14, 2005 And here's the other half. Enjoy! Cheers! The Reverend Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 15, 2005 CID Share Posted January 15, 2005 hi reverend : Thanks didn't mean to hurry you .I was just curious to see how available it would be on the web.It was only the .exe file the zips are usually better .I downloaded both .I will install & play around with them this weekend. Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 15, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 15, 2005 No problem Cholla. My pleasure! The Reverend Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted January 15, 2005 CID Share Posted January 15, 2005 And here's the other half. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 15, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 15, 2005 His name is Irfan Ziljan, is a good friend of mine, and is just short of being a genious. He believes that everything on the web should be free ...but the man is gotta eat too! He accepts donations of course and makes a decent living with that programme considering the number of folks that use it everyday! "The Rev" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted January 15, 2005 CID Share Posted January 15, 2005 His name is Irfan Ziljan, is a good friend of mine, and is just short of being a genious. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 15, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 15, 2005 That' right Microwave. His full name is Irfan Ziljan, he's a good friend from years ago, and he's darn near a genious (but needs to eat too so he lives on the donations he gets for his fine work! I have every last version from Day One "beta" of his stuff .....and none of them are bad! This latest one is a knockout though! Cheers! "The Rev" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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