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I am new to this forum, but I have had a one way DW system for about 4 years. Recently, I had a chance to buy a used DW 6000 system and now I am trying to learn what will be involved in switching from the one way to the DW 6000. I installed my one way and would like to install this new system. As you already know, DW support is of no help. I was hoping someone here had gone thru this and could advise me on the next step.

BTW, I run a small computer business in south Georgia.

Thanks in advance,


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Oh yeah, you should considering learning the Indian Dialect so that when you call Direcway Tech Support (and don't get the Help Center in Florida), but rather get NOC in India, you'll be speaking with some dude named Ryianokmilakia (but you can call him Bob).  That's about as far as the conversation will get because he will not understand a single word you say and vice versa. When such a thing happens, hang up, hit redial, and pray you are routed to either Florida (sometimes Virginia), or the Main NOC in Germantown, MD.!  LOL 

But, all things considered, we love them dearly and couldn't live without the daily excitement they bring into our lives at exhorbitant prices!


:)  The Reverend

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Thanks, The Reverend!

I should have asked you first, then I wouldn't have the DW 6000. But I guess I will take the hit and let them install it for me. I hate it has to be that way cause I am a do it yourself kind of guy. In any event, I really appreciate the prompt reply, seems you have a great forum going here and I will keep you informed as to my trials and tribulations with DW doubletalk support. That part I have already had the pleasure of experencing. Talking about the one way system: we have had almost no problems with it, as soon as you get used to the latency, it works pretty well.

Thanks again,


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Rigsby 5198-

Hello, I am new to this forum also.

I just upgraded from a one way to a DW6000 system.

I self installed a new arm with feedhorn, LNB, and transmitter on my old 74 cm dish, ran another new coax for transmitter, then found a local installer from Direcway website. (It's hard to find on their site--Let me know if you can't find it).

The 6000 does not seem as fast as the one-way was, but it 's OK. The main reason I upgraded was so the phone line wouldn't be busy all the time.

If you have any questions, I will try to answer them.

NOW, here's my question:

Since the dish has been pointed and adjusted by a certified tech, can I change over from a DW6000 to a DW4000 system by just calling Dway and requesting it?

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If a Certified Installer was not used to do EVERYTHING ....no, you will never be able to get NOC (DirecWay) to commission your modem or account.  Also,  it is a 50/50 split with the DW4000's when you already have a DW6000.  Sometimes they will allow you to commission a 4000, sometimes not.  (They are trying like crazy to get rid of the 4000s because they are "hackable" is the #1 reason ....#2 is that they can be tweaked to blazing speeds.  But why tweak an account with a 167MB FAP to run at 4 Mbps?  You just hit your FAP in two minutes then have to wait for four hours before you can surf again.  That's crazy!  lol

The Reverend

You'll do fine with the DW6000 once you have added all my tweaks I've supplied here, and add to all the time as conditions change.  I have over 30 years working with satellites and dishes and modems so there isn't much you can present to me that I haven't been faced with before!  :0

Stay cool and let us know how things work out.  Feel free to email me if you need my attention faster than my response time on here (such as if I am offline).  :)

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Rigsby 5198-

NOW, here's my question:

Since the dish has been pointed and adjusted by a certified tech, can I change over from a DW6000 to a DW4000 system by just calling Dway and requesting it?

I think you would have a better chance of getting the 4000
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That's a 1000 -1 shot at best from what I have been told by my cuz at NOC Lance ...but I understand your thinking! 


The Reverend

DIrecWay WILL NOT commission the older 4000's because they can't control them.  So, you really need a good excuse before they will allow it ...and even then many are discovering they are "capped" at exactly the advertised speeds and the "tweaks" are worthless ...and, within the next three years they plan to phase out DW4000 Support altogether, to FORCE the DW6000's on everyone ...but they intend to kick up the speeds and FAP limits to make it more attractive too.  Looks like DWay may be taking a more honest approach now that the word is out on them.  I get alot of faxes and calls from their corporate center asking my opinions based upon the traffic I am getting on trouble tickets ...and they are truly looking for better ways to improve their service because they are seeing alot of people DUMPING them and walking away.  So perhaps all this has been well worth the effort, because it was my intention to bring about such a change if at all possible.  Let's call it a small miracle shall we?  :)


The Reverend

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Oh, well hell yes, in that case they would be most happy to take your money.  hehe...I am about to give my DW4000 System to my son for his exclusive use in his business, and take some heat off from my modem!  lol....He's a bandwidth eater big time!  My daugher has already purchased her own .98m dish and modem ....I am almot done with the tower for her rig, then we can fire it up!

Thanks for the 'add-on' there Lance.  I always appreciate it.  :)

btw:  the new server for testmy.net is now online and she's a killer  CA3LE is checking her out right now and may move this entire site over to it ....she's a hot one!  lol....  I love it!  (just kidding....I dunno what he has in mind but I do know it'll be splendid and fair)!


The Reverend

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That is an affirmative.  I called Dway.  If you already have an account with the DW6000 (especially if you upgraded from a 4000), they will be happy to give you a DW4000 (no limits) account ...and most likely will give you discount for running "dual accounts."  Hmm...maybe I'll rig up the 4000's, activate, "marry the accounts in the server (house), and enjoy a "flip-flop" setup?  heheh...hey, it is worth a try!

That is what I have from Sales from the Support Center in Florida.  Pricing varies from day to day depending upon Stock Quotes


The Reverend

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