bertski Posted January 30, 2004 CID Share Posted January 30, 2004 I use Cox here in Southern Calif. and still have the old surfboard modem that I got 3 yrs ago when I first signed up. I understand that Cox may be requiring people to upgrade to the new DOCSIS modems in the near future but have heard that some modems actually SLOW their speeds down while others, if not increasing speeds, at least don't make things worse. Any suggestions on brands and models would be greatly appreciated. (If this should be posted in another area please let me know.) Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted January 30, 2004 CID Share Posted January 30, 2004 Well if you have a surfboard... it should be DOCIS. I love Motorola and Linksys for cable modems DOCIS does put alot more power in the cable CO. hands.. but it is a good thing.. it prevents people from uncapping and suckin' up network resources... after a while it should actually make you faster because the whole network will run more efficently. ~~~ here is what I get, ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3883 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 474 KB/sec Auth Code: 2058246 (validate a Bottom Line: 69 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.16 second(s) Validation Link :: ~~~ DOCIS also makes the cable CO. able to sell you slower speeds or faster speeds... because they send a config file to your modem... trust me man, don't trip on it... it's a good thing. And you said southern... well, if you are in San Diego, your whole system has been DOCIS for over two years... but the old LAN City modems were still allowed on... they are just tring to get the rest of those old bastards off their system - CA3LE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bertski Posted February 7, 2004 Author CID Share Posted February 7, 2004 I have one of "the old modems",one of the original cybersurf modems as during a recent conversation with tech support,I was told that I "should" have gotten notice that my old surfboard modem was going to phased out "in the near future" and that the newer modem would be required Would that be a DOCSIS-2 modem or maybe my modem isn't DOCSIS at all. Could that be it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted February 14, 2004 CID Share Posted February 14, 2004 The CyberSURFR modem is not DOCSIS compatible! This modem was released before this standard was put into place. This was the original modem from the @home network thoughout the US. However, when comcast took over it was mandated that everyone have a DOCSIS compatible modem. Your ISP will eventually require you to switch to a new modem. If you are smart find a way that either they pay for it, cause you have a modem, or get it for free due to rebates. I would recommend the Motorola 5100 Surfboard modem. It is pretty much the standard for most cable high speed internet access. I know that COMCAST uses Motorola for all new customers. That is what if found.... Good Luck! Surfboard 5100 Specs: CyberSurfr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bertski Posted February 15, 2004 Author CID Share Posted February 15, 2004 Cox isn't providing any specials on Modems these days. The only discounts I've seen is when you purchase them at a Best Buy,C-City and only when you start a new account. Nothing for current customers. I did notice that they have a space for "PROMOTION CODES" when purchasing a modem directly from Cox. If anybody knows of any "Codes" that may be of some help, I'd be very thankful. I do have a $20 off coupon for the Toshiba PCX2200 Modem. Does anyone have any knowledge of that model? Is it as good as the Motorola 5100 mentioned above? I've heard those (Motorola) mentioned more often. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Brentskie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted February 15, 2004 CID Share Posted February 15, 2004 The Toshiba PCX2200 is a 1.1 DOCSIS modem. Unlike the Motorola which is 1.1 and 2.0 modem. The reason that you hear so much about the motorola is that motorola has a contract with most of the providors so they get the new suscriber's $$. The other company that you might want to check out would be linksys. They make a great cable modem!! This would be the one you would want It is a 1.0,1.1 and 2.0 modem, very simular to the motorola 5100. There are certain weekends that BB runs specials on networking gear and most of the time this modem is on sale. The other place you might want to check out is they do sell this kind of stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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