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My boyfriend and I are both fond of Civilization 4 and would like to play against each other online, however he uses ISA Server which doesn't seem to like working with Directplay, so he can't host the games, and I haven't had any sucess hosting them myself on my DW7000 modem.  There aren't any options for port forwarding with the modem as far as I know, but can anyone else think of a solution to this?  Either on my end or his (He's using ISA Server 2004 btw).  It's fairly annoying as I'm not a big gamer so it's rare for me to find one that I like, much less one that he likes as well and it's something we'd like to do together.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im not sure about your game as i don't know it...but...I play Worms Armegeddon online and have for years. To host a game one must know your machines IP/. As DirecWay uses a proxy to speed up web page loading it is necassary to turn off the proxy to obtain your real IP. To do so within Internet Explorer go Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan Settings and uncheck use a Proxy Server for your Lan, then click OK.....and OK to close the windows, then proceed to www.ipchicken.com to retrieve the correct IP Address. Copy(ControlC) and paste(ControlV) this info in the correct field within the game your trying to host from. If while @ ipchicken and your information says Name Address: AC5-Webproxy14.direcpc.com then your proxy is enabled within IE. It should read  similar to this..::   Name Address: dpc69*929*79.direcpc.com.If your behind a router well thats another issue.. www.portforward.com has some good information pretaining to various different Routers.

Routers need to be configured (Port Forwarding) correctly to allow machines to connect to yours.

Worms Armegeddon is as follows Routers need 2 forward ports TCP/UDP:17010-17011-17012 and TCP:80&6667  to Host games www.ipchicken.com :PASTE & FORCE IP.///// www.portforward.com is more info!

You should be able to get the correct info from the Manufacturers Site.


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Disabling web acceleration has gotten rid of the proxy so my IP is dpc67****87.direcpc.com however this hasn't solved my problem.  Nobody can still "see" my computer as what they see the modem instead, as my IP is actually the modem's IP, not my computer's.  I still can't host games (or a web camera or web page for that matter).

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If you want to do any port forwarding whatsoever with Hughesnet, you MUST have the static IP service.  It costs about 20 dollars extra a month.  With that service, your DW7000 modem will forward ALL ports and you can set you router to a public IP address, and forward ports accordingly.

Web accelleration only effects web browsing.  You might was well reenable it, unless you are having trouble with certain sites.


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