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Wux up,

I have a Broadcom4400X Nic ,installed in a Dell B130 laptop ,which I recently put RedHat9 on.......I got the file from driguide.com and maybe it's not compatible,,cuz when I "Rpm to install " it works ok but when I go to "Rpmbuild -ivh" to build the binary file for the kernel it gives error........thus I cant install the NIC driver,Anyone know where I can get this driver for Linux (tried www.Broadcom.com)...........or possible ways of trying to install that might work better.

Thank you!

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i have previously tried to install drivers for several broadcom products and let me tell you something...it was an absolute pain in the butt......they just dont want to play nicely with linux - from what ive heard is that they refuse to give out specifications for their product so people cannot write good drivers for them....

...dont know what to tell you...good luck

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broadcom has the least native support in linux... However, that doesnt mean that it can not be run on Linux..

I have a broadcom wifi based card that I am running with the ndiswrapper..


This app allows you to use the Windows .inf files to build the driver for linux.  It take a few minutes to get up and running but once it is up the performance is pretty good..  However, with the wifi the speeds are a little slower.

If you need help getting the card up and working let me know.. I will write a guide this weekend on this subject.

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