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Hi speedy final: I should be lucky enough to have your speed. I went to the test site on your link these are my test results I only coppied the stats.It takes up less space & I'm not sure I can do a copy like you did mines lust copy & paste.I got a program from the reverend I am going to install to see if I can make better copies when I want to.I don't know why it says connection class 128K I only have 56K regular dial-up & have already been accused of faking my speed this morningat a different post. :cool:Cholla

Connection Class : 128K

download start time: 1105903717940

download end time: 1105903727930

download time: 9.99

download size in thousands of bytes: 100

estimated line speed (K bits per second): 84.1

estimated line speed (K bytes data per second): 8

Edit:I added it to my favorites so I could try it again later to see if the results change.

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:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

quote from the testpage

"Are these results accurate?

Many factors affect speed, bandwidth and overall performance on the Internet. This test gives you a fairly accurate representation of your connection rate to the Internet backbone. This test, or most any test of this type, will never be exact due to the possibility that several people could be hitting the test server at the same time, or the test server could be busy with other tasks.

If you use the speed test from the other POP, you will be seeing the effects of passing through the Internet. Speeds are variable due to a number of factors including Network congestion, Server delays, and other delays induced by the internet.

Speed test results are an approximation and may not truly reflect the results of data compression, or delays in transmission start and stop. Testing from your local POP is the only way to test YOUR access speed.

Speeds are variable due to a number of factors including Network congestion, Server delays, and other delays induced by the internet. Speed test results are an approximation and may not truly reflect the results of data compression, or delays in transmission start and stop."

They add every possible thing that can affect speed but the 100 KB filesize, thats just  :lol:

VanBuren :)

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hi VanBuran: I only took this test for fun.How would I do a test from my local POP I will try that to.Just don't know how. Thanks Cholla

hi Microwave: I do post tests from this site sometimes till I think some get tired of seeing them I've slowed down a little on this.I already consider testmy,net the most accurate test I have found.The others are fun when you have the time. Cholla

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Thanks again VanBuran: I will contact my ISP .Heres a definition of POP I copied for those like me who didn't know exactly what it was.2) Short for point of presence, an access point to the Internet. ISPs have typically multiple POPs. A point of presence is a physical location, either part of the facilities of a telecommunications provider that the ISP rents or a separate location from the telecommunications provider, that houses servers, routers, ATM switches and digital/analog call aggregators.

If this isn't exactly correct I did copy it not write it myself.


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This site is for the Cox Residential Customers. If you want to test your speed. http://test.lvcm.com/

:( Its only for Los Vegas customers, which sucks because I have COX~HSI in Arizona ,they dont have a test site down here anymore that I can find, the one I used here was taken off line..... Oh well ....LOL

8) Microwave

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