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Like many of you with the HN7000s modem and the Pro Plus Plan, my speeds have never gotten to the advertised 1500Kbps download speed. Also, like many of you, I was very mad at the fact that Hughes cannot deliver what they advertise. So, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to do something about it. I did some investigating and found out that my installer, whom I know very well, has a brother that works at the NOC in Germantown, Maryland. I got my installer to contact his brother and his brother got him the direct number to the Vice President of Customer Services desk. My installer then gave the number to me and I called him and after fighting with his secretary for about 10 minutes, she finally transfered me to him. Mr. McClain (the VP) was very nice and he said he would do something to fix this problem and he would call me back on Monday to tell me what could be done. He said more than likely he would just have to put me on a business plan in the mean time until they can deliver the speeds, but I guess we will see what is done. Sorry this post is so long, but I just wanted to tell everyone that just maybe Hughes might start getting their act together and stop their false advertising. This is probably just wishful thinking, but you never know.

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From the information I've been reading there are only 2 satellites running the new DVB-S2 ACM system. It may be that when Hughes gets enough of the HN7000S modems in service the speeds may get better for everyone, kind of like when everyone runs the same equipment things will smooth out. I've been using Sat for internet (one way in the beginning) since April 1999 and my phone line was out much longer total time than my Sat INTERNET connection. I am presently on the verge of upgrading from the DW7000.

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I wouldn't waste my money on that just yet.  Wait until ALL of the sats are ready for it.  Not to mention, all of the transponders. 

Until they get this crap sorted out, you won't see any improvement going from a DW7000.

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There are signs things are getting better.  My speeds don't drop as low as they used to and the peak hours window is smaller.  It used to take me until about 12:30 - 1:00 am to get back to full speed.  Now around 10 - 11 pm I'm usually back at full speed.

As far as when or if we'll ever see 1500k down on proPlus accounts, who knows.  It just seems to me they simply haven't released the bandwidth yet.  I mean someone should be able to get close in the wee hours of the morning, but no one I know of on the proPlus can get much over 1 meg down.  Of course, if you ask Hughes they will say people are, but no one posting to any forums is.  That just seems like throttling to me.

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even if the new S model was getting the up to of 1500/200....for the extra contract (15months) & higher monthly fee. The only gain I see from the older 7000 would be 300kbps on the download which would not be noticeable to most, FAP bucket slightly bigger. This cat will wait on the Ka band upgrade. The older 7000 is already capable of  higher speeds which are offered on the small business plans....like 2000/500.  :idea:

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The older 7000 is already capable of  higher speeds which are offered on the small business plans....like 2000/500.  :idea:

You just hit the hammer right on the head.  The only difference is, the 7000S can handle DVB-S2, which is efficient enough that they can increase the capped speeds without costing more bandwidth.

This is the same thing that happend when the 7000 came out.  It was rushed to the market, and a lot more people signed on than what they had bandwidth for.  They still havn't worked all the issues out with the 7000, and they already have the 7000S out less than a year later.

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Man, I'd love an extra 300k down.  That'd put me around 600k down.

Almost missed that one.  :haha: :haha:

I doubt  they actually ever hand decent consistent speeds. Of course they are capable of it. Hell they could give out those 2000 speeds with the 6000 if they wanted to. I have seen up to 5000+. I am sure they could also do it with the U/L if they wanted to. But they prefer to sell a new set of equipment to us to get it. Damn, just FU#KI#G UPGRADE like the other ISP's damn it. And charge an extra $10. I would be cool with that.

They are nothing short of political asswipes after our last nickel.  :angry5: :angry5:

The first 2 weeks I had my 6000 I saw up to 2800+ untweaked. Til the server or what ever throttled me down to 700 D/L. So I knowit is actually possible without upgrading equipment and charging outlandish prices for it to boot.  :mad2:

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