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Just wanted to let people know I have a audio stream up.. Kinda interesting if you ask me, always gives a Sunday night a little more spunk and entertainment..

Well here it is.. It is really my local police, really interesting.. Check it out..

SHOUTcast LiVE Audio Stream

If you don't hear anything, its cause they aren't talking.. Give it a few.. :haha:

Be sure to tell me what you think.. Don't know how long i'll keep it running but for now!

Enjoy  :D

Regards, - - VyraX - -

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You can open Windows Media Player, and goto Play Url

Then copy and paste the link below into the text field:'>


Its one or the other, and it will begin to buffer...

For WinAmp you can just hit Ctrl+L and paste that in the text field also..

Everything will work after that...

Regards, - - VyraX - -  :cool:

oo, thanks haha...

isn't it like illegal or something to listen to a police station? lol

Its not illegal? Police Scanners are sold in Radio-Shack. Or should I say Rat-Shack..  :haha:

You can buy one and set it up at home.

It is ILLEGAL to have a Police Scanner in your Car..

Check the listings for Police Scanners being Streamed..

Regards, - - VyraX - -

in some states

it is illegal to listen if the broadcast is digital. it is also illegal to own a police scanner that can tune into the 800MHz band.

You can certainly try to listen to digital, but chances are you won't hear anything its all modulated. Compressed, binary ones and zeros.. Can't hear anything with a scanner, analog went out the window with these new cellphones networks. So opening up your 800MHz band isn't a big thing anymore. Unless you live in an area which still has analog, and lots of it.. ?? Possibly..

Around here if I scan the 800MHz-900MHz band, don't hear anything.

Regards, - - VyraX - -

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