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quad will be with us till the end of the year, then intel will release there 6 core processor. they cant get too far ahead gotta keep amd just close enough.

its not really 6months anymore, its more like 3 months now.

But they have been out and getting talked about for the first 3 months. So your 3 months + my 3 months means 6 months.  :lol::azn:

I may not be real techy, but I can add.  :smiley6600:

Scrap that, I woke up and now am thinking about an Opteron.  :haha:

Amazing how these guys can be so convincing.  :undecided: But really a good place to find things out. What a great bunch of guys.  :smiley: OK, yeah, even shug.  :twisted:

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I just recently, well few months back, built a sweet a$$ gaming computer for a customer of mine....

dfi sli-dr expert

raid 0 hd setup

evga 7950gx2 (...back when it was expensive as hell)

opteron 165 - o/c to 2.9ghz

2gigs of ram

let me tell you something.....we took a gamble to buy a little 1.8ghz opteron, and it overclocked like a dream - i was lucky to come across a great stepping as well....

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