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The only FASTER UPLOAD broadband web access i knew, is thru BROADBAND POWERLINE or BPL. The speed is the same upload and download. Check from this source: (http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com)

Hopefully, your utility company will offer this service in the nearest future.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well my speed is still below advertised, however tech has started calling me several times a day along with messages. I noticed the other day that I now have my orginal...1st ip address back and on my sig here it says my ISP is AT&T WorldNet Services..We shall see :headbang:share-FDYJ3SZ2M

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The only FASTER UPLOAD broadband web access i knew, is thru BROADBAND POWERLINE or BPL. The speed is the same upload and download. Check from this source: (http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com)

Hopefully, your utility company will offer this service in the nearest future.

Hey I am watching out for it. Anything would beat 50 kbps U/L. The solid D/L would also be nice.

And 5/5 for $28.95 would kick ass. Hope my coop catches on soon.  :thumbsup:

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Ya that is worth watching. I found this place ... Established in 2003 for BPL; ISP Services Since 1995. Offices in Huntsville and Hokes Bluff, AL. Full-service Internet Service Provider, Serving Over 3000 ...

  Here is link to a great presentation on the subject!

. http://www.marylandtedco.org/_media/pdf/1_4_06Hudson.ppt

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Yeah, it should take off like a field fire, heck, who in the country does not have copper wires. DSL is taking too long for me. And satelite is getting old. Can't get much done til late at night.

My kids only remember who or where I am when they want something.  :shocked:


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  • 3 weeks later...

  When I started this thread I was shocked at the upload speeds however that only lasted a few days. Now it should be called "slower downloads again" I don't know what happened to the Hosts Stats for mchsi.com but if you try to verify everything is Gone from the db. Any other Mediacom users having that problem?


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