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Database connect errors can't stop them

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over the last few days ive gotten quite a few emails from people saying that they are getting the MYSQL error for too many connections on the database, and ive been working for the last few hours but haven't been able to figure it out. i only have 400,000 records in my database. Does anyone here know of anything that i should try so that i don't have these errors anymore.

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try editing my.cnf and allowing more connections to the database..


read #3

I tried that, increased it to 500 and still got the problem. I don't see how im getting 500 connections open at one time.

are you sending the kill statement at the end of your php files?  I am wondering if the connections are taking to long to time out.

yes i am sending the kill statement. I increased the max connections to 1000 and it seems to be working ok for now but not that many people are on my site right now so time will tell.

I dont know if this relates to your problem but I know that some FTP clients when I use them, go wild, openning 10+ connections even though it is not needed - so while you might not be getting 500 actual unique connections, you might be getting a smaller number of people connecting at same time using multiple threads.....

hope this helps ;)

good site however ;) i signed up ! - i find it very useful

when are you running your backups?  i am wondering if during the backup the tables are being locked causing the db connect not to work.

im not running any backups. im doing them all by hand for now.

ive done a little more research and it seems to start happening at about 5am est till 11am est hen i have the least amount of traffic then for the rest of the day it is fine.

im not running any backups. im doing them all by hand for now.

ive done a little more research and it seems to start happening at about 5am est till 11am est hen i have the least amount of traffic then for the rest of the day it is fine.

This is the exact error i just got one minute ago.

mySQL: Too many connections on line 5 in /var/www/vhosts/uploadingit.com/httpdocs/includes/mysql.class.php

dont know if it will help or not.

This is the exact error i just got one minute ago.

mySQL: Too many connections on line 5 in /var/www/vhosts/uploadingit.com/httpdocs/includes/mysql.class.php

dont know if it will help or not.

Hmmm, same for me to and it's in the afternoon.

mySQL: Too many connections on line 5 in /var/www/vhosts/uploadingit.com/httpdocs/includes/mysql.class.php

EDIT: I have no idea if this can help but here it is


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