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I was Christmas shopping and I found this.

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It's actually for a martial arts friend, but I'm hanging onto it for a while because I love it so much.

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Tell me that is NOT hilarious!


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That little guys is sooooooooo cute. How much??

I am like you, I would have so much trouble wrapping and giving it away.  :knuppel2:

I will go buy another LOL - it was 5.97 at the evil Wal-Mart. Well worth it to put a smile n my friends face, don't you think? (That's the friend that is a medic in Iraq and has black belts in multiple martial arts).

$5.97, I am so there. I hope ours has some. You know different ones will carry different stuff. Or was it Walmart online?

It was at the local walmart - in a box with a lot of different dancing hamsters. One had an umbrella and was singing "It's raining men". These two adorable older women were just giggling over them and I asked it there was another of the kung-fu one, because I thought they were going to buy it. They handed me the one I have and said they were just playing, and have a Merry Christmas.

I was felling feisty, I said "Happy Hanukkah"  :buck2:

They just beamed LMAO

It's actually for a martial arts friend, but I'm hanging onto it for a while because I love it so much.

Safe link:


Tell me that is NOT hilarious!


These have been around for ages, i love them!!!

hehehe - i never saw one before ( i live under a rock) but when I saw it, I HAD to have it - and I knew I had the perfect person to give it to as a gift.

such a  great feeling :D

hehehe - i never saw one before ( i live under a rock) but when I saw it, I HAD to have it - and I knew I had the perfect person to give it to as a gift.

such a  great feeling :D

It must be a big rock with different addresses...  :evil6:  and stretches all the way to my house.

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