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Whats all around better?  

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  1. 1. Whats all around better?

    • Plasma
    • LCD

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Okay well my family is looking for a tv to put in our almost finished basment. Were not too sure on a size yet and we really donno what to start looking at. Ive heard bad things about plasma but was recently told they were better than LCD. I figured the members of TMN could give me feedback on whats better.

Also we have to buy it at bestbuy and are looking for 40+ inch.

so if anyone could find a nice one on www.bestbuy.com it would be greatly appreciated.


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we went to  a bunch of places and compared tv's cause out 42 inch died...

the plasmas dont last as long as the LCD's.. so we choose the LCD.. we also noticed that the plasma seems to have a glossy glare type thing on the screen... GO LCD widescreen like us (sixty some inch)

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we went to  a bunch of places and compared tv's cause out 42 inch died...

the plasmas dont last as long as the LCD's.. so we choose the LCD.. we also noticed that the plasma seems to have a glossy glare type thing on the screen... GO LCD widescreen like us (sixty some inch)

actually its the other way around plasmas last 60,000 hours. thats 6.8 years of constant use 20 years of normal use. LCD's last 1/2 as long. it use to be that plasmas would last only 3-4 years max but they fixed that.

Plasmas also look better because there is Black LCD's have no black they have a real dark blue for black

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Burn-in. Plasma TVs in particular have been know to have problems with burn-in. This occurs when a static image appears on the screen for a long enough period of time that it becomes permanently etched into the image. LCD flatscreens do not have this problem. Some of the latest plasma products have made strides in reducing tendencies toward burn in as well. But if you plan to use your video display for any type of static material, such as an Internet browser or video with a stock ticker along the edge of the screen, be aware that some plasma displays can create a problem for you. Do your research, and either find a plasma product that is designed to avoid burn-in, or get an alternative type of video display

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Blunted 2 burn in on plasmas is just about gone you really have to leave like a web browser open on it for days on end to have burn in on a plasma. they have really fixed alot of the problems with it that were happening just a few years ago.

If your going to use your computer on it go LCD if your going to game on it go Plasma because its faster and will look a hell of alot better mainly because it has black.

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Much has been made of the longevity of LCD displays, at least compared to plasma monitors. The conventional wisdom is that LCD televisions last longer than their plasma TV counterparts, which is true. The problem is, a lot of people extrapolate from this that either (a) LCD displays last forever or (B) LCD monitors suffer no picture "wear" over time. Neither of these suppositions is correct.

Flat-panel LCD screen displays have a lifespan approaching 60,000 hours. The lifespan of an LCD display is generally longer than that of similar-sized plasma displays. Some manufacturers even claim that their LCDs can last upwards of 80,000 hours when used continuously under controlled conditions (e.g., in a room with "standard" lighting conditions and 77

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and if you left your lcd tv on for 8 hours a day, it would last over 10 years..

dlewis you were talking about the 20 years of normal use.. thats like .. heck.. a rough guesstimate of about 1 hour a day or less even

not really. with a 60,000 hours at 1 hour a day that would be a 154 years. 55 years at 3hrs a day which is the average for a American family on a plasma TV.

a LCD will never last as long as a plasma tv because of the back light will burn out. Ive seen LCD tv's and computer monitors last no longer then 5 years because the back light burns out. The only way a LCD will out last a plasma tv is if they were to use LED's for the back light and that will never happen.

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What TV you get depends upon what you are using it for.  

For a living room, not necessarily for gaming, I would go with Plasma.  It has better viewing angles, and is cheaper than LCD when you go with larger sizes.  It is also better for watching movies, esp action movies, as there is no ghosting.

For gaming/bedroom, I would go LCD.

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What TV you get depends upon what you are using it for. 

For a living room, not necessarily for gaming, I would go with Plasma.  It has better viewing angles, and is cheaper than LCD when you go with larger sizes.  It is also better for watching movies, esp action movies, as there is no ghosting.

For gaming/bedroom, I would go LCD.

Well its down my basement, but its finished so its a living room environment. I will probably be playing my 360 on it, for few hours a day depending on what kinda games i get.  Im sure my family and I will watch movies as well, but it will be sorta universal..

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if its going to be in a dark environment like a basement or a bright environment go plasma, plasma has a much higher contrast ratio so it will look better in a dark or bright increment. plus they are much brighter.

If you game go with a plasma they are much faster then LCD's

If you want a TV 45in and higher go plasma 44in and blow go LCD. Plasma is cheaper the bigger you get LCD is cheaper the smaller you get.

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Welp here is my 2 cents!

1 cent : My friend recently got a 62" Samsung LCD and guess what...... its delayed like 2 seconds when you play a game. So basically it's absolutely useless for playing games.

2 cent : I also heard from a friend that you have to change the plamsa inside plasma TV's every so often? Truth, I dunno I was too lazy to actually research it, but maybe someone here knows for sure?

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2 cent : I also heard from a friend that you have to change the plamsa inside plasma TV's every so often? Truth, I dunno I was too lazy to actually research it, but maybe someone here knows for sure?

I think he is getting mixed up with a rear projection tv. you never have to change anything in a plasma tv in a rear projection tv you have to change a bulb ever 2000 hours or so.

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some newer tvs can go way more than that and up to 8000 hours but if you buy a really cheap one then it can be 2000 hours and under per bulb some lasting under a year with normal use while some can last about 6 years.  now if you get the best tv and play the crap out of it (8+ hours a day) even the best ones bulb will die after about 1 to 2 years.

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