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Let's hear from WinME/Compaq *fans* for a change

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They always say they could have gotten us off, afterwards.  :evil6: Why not ever before? I did luckily run into my lawyer in court unexpectedly one time. I was there to take care of it, and he had moved to another state a few years before. And there he stood. Hwe asked so how are things? Duh.  :uglystupid2:

I said things would be much better if you would fix this while you happened to be here anyway. He gave me one heck of a discount and got it dropped.  :smitten:

Yeah, he is a great lawyer. To me anyway.  :angel4:

:lol:, yeah, not many :smile2:'s in the UK , had to laugh at the dinner party, I was seated next to a Magistrate and on the other side a lawyer :evil2:, The judge wanted the info on drugs ,  :evil6: as I said :wtf: I have only met you guys on motoring matter's :lol: the lawyer butted in saying he could have got me off those charges :lol: I left them arguing the points of law,  and partied  with their wives :thumbsup:

:lol: it turned out ok, and good for business , :wink2:

:haha: :haha: :2funny:

Roco the pimp

:haha: :haha: :2funny:

Roco the pimp

:2funny:,  Sparticus, that word has a diferent meaning in the uk  :lol:

No , I dont live of imoral earnings  :evil6:, mind you it might  better than working for a living  :lol:

or do you mean the  party with judges and Lawyers  :lol:

Hey,  I know which side my bread is buttered  :smile2:( UK saying )

but riddle me this,. why if you drop a slice of buttered bread ,it allways lands butter side down ? , bit like the story of my life  :evil2:

The buttered bread thing is because of the wind resistance. The butter slicks it up and makes it smooth, and heavier on one side. The other side is coarse and lighterand grabs the air instead.  [nerdly]

So are you coarse and unslicked Roco?  :lol:

hahaha 'bread 'n' butter physics 101' cool!

well, doesn't everyone wear belt *and* suspenders (braces in uk)? it would be a bad time to need a spare hd...and not have one  :grin: but ya, I dread 'losing' the way it's set up now and supposedly, if I do have to install the new spare hd? the 2 CD set from Compaq would set me up exactly as I like it. One nagging doubt...(well, maybe a few more) it's a small .dat file to floppy that one of the options in the 'User Backup' etc CD. It 'says' it's 'if you need to install a new hard drive'...I have NO idea what to do with that tiny..whatever it is. Hahaha...how do I mash (oh I laughing so hard...can barely see!) it into the computer guts...hahaha to make the difference after plugging in a new hard driuve...pure mystery...and Z.E.R.O. clues in any documentation with the original stuff...or online or anywhere including Compaq support. Sooo....I gingerly purchased a drive-imaging/mirror/backup software for $40 too..thinking.... o O ( mebbe I'd better just copy my drive to new drive ) Now having re-capped the whole story Roco, I'm no closer to having all the answers than I was...maybe it will help to have refreshed my short-term memory...just in case :smiley:

So are you coarse and unslicked Roco?  :lol:

:knuppel2: more like a 25y old  sophisticate in a vintage chassis  :lol:and semi house trained ,

mogramjo, braces UK ,  lol suspenders ?,  UK males only wear them in private ,(for holding up stockings . in preferance too wearing tights  :shock::roll:

and yeah, we use rubbers to eraze pencil lines ,  :lol:

I just meant to 'agree' with you roco...regarding using extra precaution in 'covering all the bases' when it comes to this computer stuff. check, check, double-check..roger that! over! :smiley:

Mogramjo ,I think I underestimated your comand of the Brit- English ,  :undecided:

:lol: Roger and out ,  :wink:

Roco, I'm a fan of multi cultural expressions. Aren't we all? No worries mate :azn: Happy New Year or take your pick...hee! (spam, anyone? :roll: )

* * * *

Happy New Year in a ton of other languages!!!!!! Cheers!

Afgani Saale Nao Mubbarak

Afrikaans Gelukkige nuwe jaar

Albanian Gezuar Vitin e Ri

Armenian  Snorhavor Nor Tari

Arabic Antum salimoun

Assyrian Sheta Brikhta

Azeri  Yeni Iliniz Mubarek!

Bengali Shuvo Nabo Barsho


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