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I guess it takes a real piece of work to kill somebody over an argument in a bar doesn't it?  Jan 1, 2007 was a sad day because of this  :sad3:

Not to sound heartless, but this is why smart people dont hang out in bars and with the drunk trash of society in general. Thats my take on it anyway. If he would have been at home with his wife (is he married) or loved ones hed probably be ok. Don't take this the wrong way, I just feel little sympathy for people that go to bars or party with the drugs and alcohol, it stems from being raised by an alcoholic, he blames everything on everyone else when he brings 99% of it on himself.
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Not to sound heartless, but this is why smart people dont hang out in bars and with the drunk trash of society in general. Thats my take on it anyway. If he would have been at home with his wife (is he married) or loved ones hed probably be ok. Don't take this the wrong way, I just feel little sympathy for people that go to bars or party with the drugs and alcohol, it stems from being raised by an alcoholic, he blames everything on everyone else when he brings 99% of it on himself.

I can see where you are coming from, but its not like he was out in a low key bar, it was in the nicer area around there.  I'm not 100% sure of all of the surrounding details, I just know its a big loss to his family and his team and all of his fans.  I won't respond to your argument because I have no facts, It is just sad.  No matter what the circumstances no family should have to receive that kind of news.

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I assume Darrent Williams is in sports, which makes him different for you. But he should have evidentally walked away. I also have an alcoholic brother  (dry for over 15 years) who will say it is simply a choice to be in that enviroment. I also drank my fair share in the day. And it does not matter how classy the joint looks, it is still a bar. More money in no way will change that. Alcohol and fighting go hand in hand when you drink enough to become "10' tall and bullet proof" And I know you know the saying.  :wink2: I have seen best friends fire a hand gun over the last can of beer, not more than 2 blocks from a police station, yes he was aiming to hit him also as the other one drove off with the beer. It does not have to make any sense.  :confused2:

My condolences to the family and friends.

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I assume Darrent Williams is in sports, which makes him different for you. But he should have evidentally walked away. I also have an alcoholic brother  (dry for over 15 years) who will say it is simply a choice to be in that enviroment. I also drank my fair share in the day. And it does not matter how classy the joint looks, it is still a bar. More money in no way will change that. Alcohol and fighting go hand in hand when you drink enough to become "10' tall and bullet proof" And I know you know the saying.  :wink2: I have seen best friends fire a hand gun over the last can of beer, not more than 2 blocks from a police station, yes he was aiming to hit him also as the other one drove off with the beer. It does not have to make any sense.  :confused2:

My condolences to the family and friends.

Actually he did walk away, and they got in a white tahoe or suburban followed darrent's limo and did a drive-by on himself and the other 14 guests that were in the limo with him.  He didn't pursue the argument while he was still at the club.  They actually took it on themselves to chase him down like that.  :-|

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Actually he did walk away, and they got in a white tahoe or suburban followed darrent's limo and did a drive-by on himself and the other 14 guests that were in the limo with him.  He didn't pursue the argument while he was still at the club.  They actually took it on themselves to chase him down like that.  :-|

Yea from what I read on it he did not really egg it on. Just the fact he was at a bar is my problem with the sympathy and the dolling out there of. It doesnt appear he was "asking for it" though, which makes it sad.
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