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Ok, I guess it's just a problem with PCmark04, because that program shows the L2 Cache.  :smile2:  Thanks for the help.

Thanks, tommie.  I just overclocked it from 2.4 to 2.6 GHz today, as you can see in the picture.  I'm not going to go any farther than that, I don't want to damage it.

take it more than 2.6 ;) its crying for more....cant you hear it ? ... i can

I would, but my BIOS doesn't have overclocking options, and I'm having to do a software overclock.  For some reason, when I try to increase the FSB from 218 to 220 MHz, it becomes unstable.  :-|

I would, but my BIOS doesn't have overclocking options, and I'm having to do a software overclock.  For some reason, when I try to increase the FSB from 218 to 220 MHz, it becomes unstable.  :-|

You need to raise the cpu voltage and you may have to play with the ram divider& the ram voltage  to get it to go higher. I had my 3700+ up to 2.8 GHz. Just make sure you keep a eye on the CPU temperature,IT can climb fast during gaming . If all you have is the factory CPU cooler I would not go much higher.

how do i overclock my cpu ?  i have 3 pc's so which 1 should i try

The one that has the least  important data on it. IT all count on what motherboard you have,I use the BIOS to overclock my computer,But your motherboard might not allow you do that, so you  have to use a software program to do it then and that still might not work if your computer was built by one of the big computer companys [Dell,HP,etc] they put in their own motherboards and the software program do not alway's work with them.

Since I do not  use a software program I do not  have one to recommend .I never try any of them,I prefer to use the BIOS.  PM  gotmilk and see which one he used. Be very careful when you start to overclock,only go up a little bit at a time.[2.4 to 2.45] and  check the CPU temperature often.

I used ClockGen.  Be sure to read the tutorial on that page before you use it. 

You need to raise the cpu voltage and you may have to play with the ram divider& the ram voltage  to get it to go higher. I had my 3700+ up to 2.8 GHz. Just make sure you keep a eye on the CPU temperature,IT can climb fast during gaming . If all you have is the factory CPU cooler I would not go much higher.

ClockGen doesn't have options for ram divider, ram voltage, or CPU voltage, and I don't think my BIOS has those options either.  I'll look for software that'll do that.  My cooler is a bit better than stock (had to go out and buy one, processor was OEM).

  got milk  Did you build this computer? If it is a prebuilt then you may not be able to change the CPU,ram voltage or change the ram divider. if ClockGen have these option listed,but they are shaded out then your motherboard will not allow you to change them. 

gotmilk    When I google ECS N1 Extreme the first search is a review from X-bit Labs from 2 years ago.They talk about overclocking your board using the BIOS. They still got the highest overclock on your board by using ClockGen. You should  read the review ,it should  help you get a higher overclock.

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