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Ok, my college has capped our internet, 700kdownload and 15k upload.  I have 2 internet ports and a router.  I have 2 nic card and a wireless card.  I have tried setting up 2 ftp servers ont he same computer and messing around with it so it handled 2 connections, but it messes up a lot.  Is there an easier way to do this?

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Nope there is no sence in even messing with it I know it won't work I tryed to with two cable modems. Itll use both internet connections but the file will still only download ay your cap. If anything itll make your connection alot slower. Speedguide.net  has some links that will show you how to do it. I don't remember where there at but it says in the descption.  Sorry I was really hoping I would be able to get this to work myself.

I forgot to mention that im on a college connection,w here there are 2 ethernet ports.  Ive actually done it, and it worked.  It took a lot of work though, maybe 15 minutes of disabling the wireless card then turning on ftp, then doing that for the other connection until my ftp server was able to recognize 2 seperate connections.  So i know its possible :/

:) I have to agree with reno, although it was over 4years ago when we tried this at work we had a similar lack of success, I may have some notes about this I will look around, but it seems to me stability was a big issue and an issue that we never were able to overcome was corrupt files and lag, I think a engineer told us that one problem we would have is  that no matter what we did when the cap was reached the party was over and there were way 2many things against us, but I also felt he was just pissing on our parade..... Now again this was 4years ago which is a lifetime for computers and technology, but you have certainly got my interest and I would like to know for myself if its a workable idea, so lets not just give up at least  I want to explore this a little further. I may be able to talk to a friend in Richmond WA. that would know I just get bored talking to him because he is real long winded and really impressed by his own idea of his importance.

8) Microwave

:) Ahh I do remember hearing about the mac problem and I'm wondering if its freaks at renewal time or eventually something sees a problem and freaks..... If you had it working for 5 hours what happened and why cant you reproduce it???? Dont get me wrong I really love this concept I'm just thinking out loud (writing )

8) Microwave

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