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Well here is my story.. i live out in the boonies.. can't get Cable.. DSL or anything... and not paying 100 bucks a month for salelite or whatever... so im stuck with dial up for now.. i plan on moving in acouple months back to town.. but income taxes are coming and im buying a really nice Gameing Machine... its gonna be nice.. so gonna hook a secound line for Slow dial up.. lol on dial up out here we get a speed of 24k.. instead of 56k.. lol is there any kind of provider that is faster then Centurytel Software that they give you.. something that is 5x faster or something? Any help would be great thanks.

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Naw man, thats why im posting to get ideas of some good providers.. with some good acceleration i tried AOL for about 3-4 months the speed was good but then in the end it overdrafted my bank account cause they was takeing out 24.95 twice a month and it overdrafted my account and had to pay 119 bucks to get it back in order so im done with them.. i just want a good dial up provider with good acceleration is all... and i heard there are tweaks to make web pages to load up quicker? Any help would be awsome thanks guys.

PS: and why do i run at 24.0K instead of 50K is it the phone lines out here?

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Guest jeffwalker9999

Forget Dial Up - Go Wireless -

Satellite is to $$ ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Look at http://www.jiwire.com/sprint-u720-usb-modem-product-overview.htm

Sprint/Nextel EVDO Service - $62.57 Monthly - 1 Year Contract


Adverage Speeds: 800K Download / 200K Upload

Better than dial up - I use it here in Las Vegas

Their are quite a few pcmcia cards

but you have to be careful on whitch one you get,

because of conflicts with pci adaptors (desktops)

Answer ::::

Old phone lines are known as pots - plain old telephone system --

the distance to isp and other factors effect the connect speeds

theirs more

I'm sure other members can tell you the tech specs better than I can

My 2 cents - Jeff

cablenut is very good -

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Thanks tommie.. but here is my speed test lol....

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 21 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Download Speed is:: 3 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/01/28 - 2:26pm

Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 341.33 sec

Tested from a 1013 kB file and took 390.234 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 1.26 % of your hosts average (centurytel.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VXLGYJM0Z

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]

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Guest jeffwalker9999

Forget Dial Up - Go Wireless -

Satellite is to $$ ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Look at http://www.jiwire.com/sprint-u720-usb-modem-product-overview.htm

Sprint/Nextel EVDO Service - $62.57 Monthly - 1 Year Contract


Adverage Speeds: 800K Download / 200K Upload

Better than dial up - I use it here in Las Vegas

Their are quite a few pcmcia cards

but you have to be careful on whitch one you get,

because of conflicts with pci adaptors (desktops)

Answer ::::

Old phone lines are known as pots - plain old telephone system --

the distance to isp and other factors effect the connect speeds

theirs more

I'm sure other members can tell you the tech specs better than I can

My 2 cents - Jeff

cablenut is very good -

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Guest jeffwalker9999

Nope can't get any kind of Cell phone signals.. No Nextel or Sprint out here only thing that works out here is Verizon.. and their DSL dont reach out here.. i dont  know what to do... But which Dial up provider is the best?

In Las Vegas .........

PeoplePc  (a div of earthlink) -- is good

and so is AT&T Dialup

Cheap:: totalusa.net - it is good too

as I have a few friends on it

But thats Vegas ( Sin City )

Good Good Luck -

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By the way toast is pretty good as far as I have heard. And "Pay annually and it's only $7.95/month!"


tommie I haven't had a phone line so long I really can't remember  :oops: much about it but wouldn't something like "speed-dial" be faster than just "dial-up"?

[move] :2funny:[/move]

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My mistake, I checked a few and they want yoy telephone number. I do know at one point I was asked my zip for DSL to be checked out for me. Anyway here is one of them.


I hope you find a better one.  :grin2:

This link shows 5 broadband providers for my phone #  :haha: now thats funny!

In reality there is one cable provider for 105/month for basic cable and  128k internet that works about 12 days out of the month....(this guy is not even on the list)...the rest of the IP's listed do not provide service here?

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This link shows 5 broadband providers for my phone #  :haha: now thats funny!

In reality there is one cable provider for 105/month for basic cable and  128k internet that works about 12 days out of the month....(this guy is not even on the list)...the rest of the IP's listed do not provide service here?

Maybe they are listed because they supply some part of your area code or your local area. I think only one needs to be there and the others can lease to get your business.

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tommie I haven't had a phone line so long I really can't remember  :oops: much about it but wouldn't something like "speed-dial" be faster than just "dial-up"?

[move] :2funny:[/move]

Sounds good to me, wish it worked that way. I would have it running instead of this satelite.

[move]:2funny:                                      :haha:                                  :2funny:                    :haha:                    :2funny:[/move]


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  • 3 months later...

I live in Virginia  zip code 24179 and cannot get anything other than satellite.  Is there any dial up service that allows a router for other computers and does not tie up the phone line?  Or any other suggestions for rural areas that need fast connection for bidding on ebay and is not as expensive as satellite?

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I live in Virginia  zip code 24179 and cannot get anything other than satellite.  Is there any dial up service that allows a router for other computers and does not tie up the phone line?  Or any other suggestions for rural areas that need fast connection for bidding on ebay and is not as expensive as satellite?

Have you checked out EVDO? Verizon and Sprint have it. It works on cell phone waves. Ad there are ways notto tie up the phone lines. Like a second line into the house, or they have items you can put on for the internet to interupt for calls.  :grin2:
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  • 1 month later...

if you live in the US (not Alaska or Hawaii) you can most likely get WildBlue. They're cheapest package is 512kbps down/128kbps up and is i think $50 a month. Check into that...

As for dial-up, go with NetZero, they have 3G for $15 a month and its pretty quick. if you are getting such slow speeds you may have Pulse phone-lines in your house instead of Touch-Tone.

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