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My service provider is ripping me off and i have to save our company.

They are charging us an UNBELIEVABLE $1000 A MONTH :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: /month for a 4.5GB Business plan

In this bloody day and age!! TMN can you believe this S#!t.

I want to get hooked up to another ISP like ....YESTERDAY!

I want all the ideas.

This is what happens when management doesn't discuss S#!t and only let you know when S#!t hits the fan :idiot2: :idiot2: :uglystupid2:

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easy. talk to all the isps that service your area, tell them to quote you for a connection with the speed you need, (need, not want. need), the monthly volume you need, the guaranteed uptime you need, the service response time you need and the number of fixed ips you need. that will tell you if you are getting a decent deal now or not.

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:idiot2::2funny::idiot2: :idiot2: :2funny::idiot2:

FOR THIS SPEED- ADVERTISED IS 300 DOWN (im lucky to even get 240 down at any given time)

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1532 Kbps about 1.53 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Download Speed is:: 187 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 167 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 20 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/02/14 - 6:01pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DNSVTL4F7

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8AHV5P2ZQ

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 [!]

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I'd like to get my SAT deal from the US or UK even India i've seen some real good deals online.

QUESTION: Would i be able to get a deal from lets say..."HughesNet" from Texas and pay them directly from my country. Im thinking it shouldnt be a problem.

This way even if i had a problem and needed to call id make VOIP calls and still not use up $1000 bucks a month on internet.

TRUE or FALSE    [nerdly] [nerdly]

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I would say false.. I am going to highly doubt that they have satellites in position to cover Africa.  Plus I can only image making VoIP calls on a lagged out sat connection... 

I would try and find a local provider..  I am not sure of your exact location.. But I was able to find this online.. http://www.ispmap.org.za/searchisp.php  it is a starting place at least..

I saw that ATT and Sprint were both in Africa.. If you are having no luck call them and ask about a dedicate line.. 

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Perhaps you didn't understand me Swimmer. I wont use the SAT connections to make VOIP calls.

I only use the SAT for my internet. But my bone of contention is how much it costs. When in US guys are paying less than $100.

Yes there are Satellites to cover Africa and your search as above covers only South Africa. There is the whole of "AFRICA" to cover..

Start here:



By the way...how much would you get the business pro package in your town and what kind of speeds would they be advertising. Im also on the HughesNet website right now

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:idiot2::2funny::idiot2: :idiot2: :2funny::idiot2:

FOR THIS SPEED- ADVERTISED IS 300 DOWN (im lucky to even get 240 down at any given time)

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1532 Kbps about 1.53 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Download Speed is:: 187 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 167 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 20 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/02/14 - 6:01pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DNSVTL4F7

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8AHV5P2ZQ

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 [!]

That dual test is not giving proper results. Try these two tests. And clear your temp files right before before testing.

D/L  http://www.testmy.net/dl-2992

U/L  http://www.testmy.net/ul-579

Those tests you used did not let the connection warm up.  :wink: And this test likes clear temp files for accuracy.  :smiley:

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Hey Tommie,

The speeds not really my problem..its the cost. I read here and there that people are paying 10 times less for my speeds. THATS WHAT I WANT TO PAY :-| :-|

If i ditch my provider right, the equipment is mine, can i get a deal directly from the US. I figure that i would save more overall even if im calling tech support from where i am. But since i got this connection its been down like once or twice at the most. Thats the only time i've ever called my ISP. Its therefore quite reliable for what i do.

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Hey Tommie,

The speeds not really my problem..its the cost. I read here and there that people are paying 10 times less for my speeds. THATS WHAT I WANT TO PAY :-| :-|

If i ditch my provider right, the equipment is mine, can i get a deal directly from the US. I figure that i would save more overall even if im calling tech support from where i am. But since i got this connection its been down like once or twice at the most. Thats the only time i've ever called my ISP. Its therefore quite reliable for what i do.

From what I remember reading in other forums is you need to find a VAR where you are at. Sometimes because of location a larger System (mainly dish size and possibly transmitter) is needed. It does not need to be set up with a business account that are much more expensive. You won't be able to get any service from the US I think simply because Hughes only deals with resellers out of the territory. So really you need to shop around but if you want the same prices as in the US you'll need to move here.

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now unless you are totally out in the boonies you should be able to find a local isp that you can get in bed with. if not try to get a dedicated line (t1 or bigger, depending on your needs) from the local telco. remember that you have to make sure the package incudes all the speed, volume, ips and other service that you have now.

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:undecided: :undecided: :undecided: :undecided: :undecided: :undecided:

I guess i'm stuck with this deal because i dont want to buy anything else. The dish and modem were quite expensive here.

Will have to really bug the company to get more value for the money.

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We have a landline...I agree i have to wait for a while or look for another ISP.

However i''ve just learnt that the government and the world bank are working to get internet costs lower by over 80% in the next 3 months. Part of some ICT reforms being pushed for developing nations :alien::icon_thumright::icon_thumleft:

My connection could go as low as $200

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