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This just is not any were near the speeds I was told I would get with 1.5MB download speeds.

And when you download from web it will start out good at say 185kb and by the time a download of 10MB is finish download speeds will have drop to some times as low as 50kb

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 728 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Download Speed is:: 89 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 2)

Test Time:: 2007/02/23 - 8:53am

Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 11.51 sec

Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 16.844 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 87.08 % of your hosts average (255.165)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QZU36M5IK

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]

And running tests will change ever time from a high of 98Kb to a low of 70KB tests run right after each other.

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xplornet seems to only allow a customer to get half of what they pay for...  Have been with them for 2yrs and even upgraded service to hopefully get more acceptable speeds to only be disconnected and run at their basic service levels .... As customer service reps are very poor in handling issues the customer is left hanging in the wind...  Have spent 3 weeks calling because of these issues and have been left with unacceptable responses...Of course even though a rep and I did the basic tests and they discovered it wasn't on my end they still only can manage to deliver half of what you pay for and even then it is at the lowest "acceptable" speed..... Therefore downgraded service to what I do get basic and am currently testing another companies unplugged service... which is blazingly fast and sustainable in comparison to other service that I will not be with for long.......By the way if you are told you will receive a call back.. you are more likely to retire prior to that occuring....my own experiences...9 "promised" call backs from various level of reps and not  one was received... fair warning....

All comments made are from my own personal experiences in dealing with issues involving internet connection and can no way be repeated, copied or used in any other communication other than on this forum...

Good Luck ,

barking mad!

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While my download speeds are dropping like a rock , 569  657 588 the last #3 tests and this is suppose to be 1.5 MB which is  1500.00 Kbps

Even there test area it states only running at 72% 

But no matter what test numbers there are  tech. state you are running at acceptable


When it was 800 and 900 they say OK now that it has dropped in to averaged 60Kbps

they still say it is acceptable range .

While this is acceptable to these people it is not to me :evil2:

I am getting a 1/3 of speeds I am paying for.

I am new to xplornet and have 30 days , to cancel service.

When they set this service up 3 days ago the tec. ran this test and guess what it came in at 1700, within 3 hrs it was down in the 700s and 800s.

Now even if my speeds come up as I suspect they will ,to I go over the thirty day try out

and down they will go and I will be on the hook.

I suspect this company are a bunch of smoke and dagger crook's.

Now they say do a 48 Hr test of speeds and see what they are , so I asked them what is the speeds you think are acceptable , and they told me my speeds are normal. WHAT THE  :evil2:

Big one web who I had before had a 1mb service and I came in with there service averaged around 850kbps. But they do not want to here about this with there so called 1.5 service

that is a lot slower what a bunch of BS

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CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL...the beat advice u will get in regards to "LACK OF XPLORNET"

"We can't gaurantee minimum service levels"

is in their customer service response manual page 2 line 3

3 weeks of multiple contacts through telephone calls email's to support

re:ATT SUPERVISOR..COMPLAINT...which I was told were actually read by somebody but I received computer generated response.4 replies in less than 2 min.  Highly unaccpetable

I had 3Meg service but was receiving 1/3 of that not sustainable....downed service to basic and got better numbers paying lesss!

Multiple tests is BS, it is a way of putting their customers off...

Scott is supposed to be above Ryan but he too PROMISED calls that were never returned.

Did testing with tech determined it wasn't on my end so they were going to 'do me a favour'  and send out their tower engineer to my home?  When told and shown as was in my file the issue was not on my end they felt I would be comforted having a "tower Engineer" come out to my home.... Never happened and No CALL  said bye bye to that drowning ship and took my business elsewhere

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CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL...the beat advice u will get in regards to "LACK OF XPLORNET"

"We can't gaurantee minimum service levels"

is in their customer service response manual page 2 line 3

3 weeks of multiple contacts through telephone calls email's to support

re:ATT SUPERVISOR..COMPLAINT...which I was told were actually read by somebody but I received computer generated response.4 replies in less than 2 min.  Highly unaccpetable

I had 3Meg service but was receiving 1/3 of that not sustainable....downed service to basic and got better numbers paying lesss!

Multiple tests is BS, it is a way of putting their customers off...

Scott is supposed to be above Ryan but he too PROMISED calls that were never returned.

Did testing with tech determined it wasn't on my end so they were going to 'do me a favour'  and send out their tower engineer to my home?  When told and shown as was in my file the issue was not on my end they felt I would be comforted having a "tower Engineer" come out to my home.... Never happened and No CALL  said bye bye to that drowning ship and took my business elsewhere

What xplornet Hasn't told you... they have oversubscribed and have very little bandwidth... they were supposed to get more... I was told Hydro1 is their main Backbone... am going to hopefully follow up on this by contacting Hydro1 directly and see what they say.... most of the speed issues happen between 3-11 PM EST (for me any ways) when traffic is obviously the highest... BUT still no excuse... I too upgraded to 3 MBs from 1.5 and have had very little luck getting over 1.5 MBs on my new 2.4 SM... tons better though than around 600KPS on my 900 MHZ SM

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K, dl'ing@172kb/s in background, game on second screen and me testing on other with 3meg BELL unplugged wireless service here are my results

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 2636 Kbps about 2.64 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 322 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 300 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 37 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/03/09 - 9:14am

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GZ48JW1YB

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VZMQTS29A

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070216 Firefox/ [!]

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