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If I have Norton Internet Security 2007, do I need moore software too stay clean

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If I have Norton Internet Security 2007, do I need moore software too stay clean?

Every time I go too my webpages I got banners from Party Poker, broadcasting and some rental dvd site.

I have the cleaner, ad aware and Nis 07.

Sorry for my English!

Welcome to the forum  pgu579  :wave:  :welcome:

Try this scan.   http://www.ewido.net/en/onlinescan/

Then if you want less problems get rid of the death machine and get a better anti-virus. Norton killed 1 and almost 2 of my computers. For free even. Use the NIS C.D. for a very good drink coaster. I still use my 3 they work well.  :lol:



While you are at it get their Anti spyware too( trial turns into free later). You will be in much faster and safer shape than before. Plus you will be "free"!



Yeah norton is trash. It does nothing but slow down your computer. I had problems with just the antivirus, much less the internet security crap. I have fixed many computers for neighbors/friends/etc and I put AVG and Windows Defender on all of them. They have yet to have a problem with any kind of virus/spyware. I'm running Vista right now and for some reason AVG doesn't work with it, so I'm using Avast, which is equally as good. Norton =  :uglystupid2: ... AVG =  :smitten:

  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a good read..  A review from compiled off of data from AV-test.org..


Kinda shocked at the results..  I have moved from Norton to Triend Micro an am now on Kaspersky.. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages..  It all comes down to what suits you best.

  • 1 month later...

  Is someone having problem with Norton? I have Vista Ultimate with McAfee Suite. SMooooth not a problem, updates automatically. Catches everything

cookies too. Online virus and spam blocker with pop-up protection. HAppppy :cool:


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