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:::Download Stats:::

Connection is: 44 kbps about 0 Mbit

Download Speed is: 5 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 2000661 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 1 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 191 second(s)

Well, I'm on 56k, on a 48000 connection... not bad for download.

:::Upload Stats:::

Connection is: 150 kbps about 0 Mbit

Upload Speed is: 18 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 252251 (Validate at http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 4 times faster than 56K, you can upload 1MB in 56 second(s)

Here's the kicker... since when is 56k upload, 4 times faster than 56k? So I retest...

:::Upload Stats:::

Connection is: 160 kbps about 0 Mbit

Upload Speed is: 20 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 252401 (Validate at http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 5 times faster than 56K, you can upload 1MB in 52 second(s)


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Grrrr, I guess I need to tweak the upload test :-/ ~~ hard to work on that since I don't have a 56K to test it on :-/ ~~ accurate for ISDN + --- DAMN IT am I ever going to get that friggen upload test perfect???

Download test is cool though, just the upload test is insane ~ I have so much behind the scene code on that test that I can't remember why I wrote half the shit in it.. I look at the code and I'm like... ummm what the hell was I thinking that makes no sense... then a version 2.904.980.2.34.9097.43.5 is born, lol --- one day... one day I will get that upload script 100% right.

:shock::shock: DUDE, you should see my new :twisted: Radeon 9800 pro :twisted: ~ it is the most bad ass video card I have ever seen... I had a Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra for a few days (took that shit back :? ) this 9800 blows that shit away, I highly reccommend it if you want off the chart graphics :) ~~ just thought I would throw that shit in this message I just want everyone to know that I personally benchmarked the NVidia FX 5900 Ultra vs. Radeon 9800 Pro and the 9800 Pro RULED --- I will post some screenshots later of the 3D Mark scores :)


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Well, about your upload test, are you doing it based on a "text" file so to speak or a binary file? Text always goes fast as shiznit for both upload and download, I remember that from way back in the day.

Now about your damn video card, *flips you off!* That porbably costs more than my entire workstation! LoL

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  • 2 weeks later...
8) mrp pimpster,,,,you sure are a very patient person to remain calm while all that time passes downloading 1mb.I know its hard to beleive but sometimes 56k conn go faster than they are suppose to,although this may not be the case here.I find this site to be one of the best and in my opinion to be fairly accurate.Good luck,love sedona but I missed the harmonic convergence lol. ! mrgreen
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Sounds extremely exciting! heheh

I'm starting a new project with a company soon, should bring me $1500-$2000 extra cash after 3 months. Not one of those fly by night things people hear about, something I used to dabble in, and now my old boss wants me to help again. YAY! Maybe I can pay off my $15k in debt by years end. LoL

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? mrp does that mean when you get your new internet connection that you wont visit us any more?I hope not. Be careful speed can be very dangerous, those jpegs etc load fast lol,good luck on your new financial endevour make plenty of cash&have fun spending!! (need a helper-oh I forgot im retired!)microwave lol

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