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Hello, I have WildBlue High Speed Internet (DSL) and it is the Gold package. my download speeds are 512kbps and my upload is 128kbps. But i can only download up to 64kbps average. Is there anyway i can achieve maximum speeds? Also, There is a Upload/Download Threshold due to the FAP, so i can only download up to 7.5GB in 30 days, and my reason for high speed internet was to download big files fast. Is there anything i can do to bypass this? If we go over the threshold they cut our download speed to 128kbps and our upload speed to 25kbps until we are below the threshold. Is there any way to bypass either or both of these issues? I am new here so i have no clue. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN! THNX in Advance.

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I've went way over my limit in just 5 days! our limit is 7GB in 30days, and we've done 9.5 in one week! here are my results of the speed test:

::::::::::.. testmy.net test results ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 600 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Download Speed is:: 73 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 105 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 13 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/07/03 - 3:15pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-80UX5I2D1

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JZG45L23D

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/

can i do anything about the FAP, such as change to a retail modem from the one from WildBlue? what about speeding things up?

You are getting what you are supposed to get with the residential plan.  There is NOTHING you can do about the FAP, and if you continue to go over your limit, they can cut off your service and charge you the early termination fee.

Satellite is not true broadband, it is an alternative to dialup.  If you expect anything more than that, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you want to speed things up, I recommend you upgrade to their highest package, which will give you 1.5Mbps down, and a higher FAP limit.

Also, don't confuse kbps (kilobits) with kBps(kiloBYTES).  You are supposed to 512kbps which is 64kB/s.

If you upgrade to the highest plan, you'll get 1500kbps which is 187.5kB/s.

and there is no retail modem, only the Wildblue modem...

like u said, it is an alternative to dial-up, our ONLY alternative. we live in the country and no other high speed services come out to us, except WildBlue. Comcast can't, Verizon can't, AT&T can't, and Earthlink can't. And D-Way is WAY TO EXPENSIVE for a slower speed than we have. we have been stuck with dial-up for over ten years.

Well lol with as much as you've downloaded, you came out of the gate full blast lol.  Don't worry, you'll get used to the limitations soon. 

Im sure you'd find the upgrade worth it, just try not to go over you're limit.  Give yourself at least a 30% buffer just in case you actually need to download something big.

yea, i guess ur right, im already being penalized for it, out speed has been cut to 128kbps, and the 64kb download speed is now 16 if im lucky. plus we are alraedy ovr the limit and its only been a week, should we keep using like for browsing, or do nothing until the month is up?

o...so its not a 31st day total reset, its more of a 'how ever many days we dont use it is that many days erased from our record? so say we downloaded 3GB in the first two days, and then we dont use it for two days. would that erase the 3GB we downloaded on the first 2 days, or will they erase however much they wanted to.

      | Day1 | Day2 | Day3 | Day4 |...| Day31 | Day32 |

      1.5GB  1.5GB   2GB    4GB          0kb       0kb

would day 1 and 2 be wiped clean to bring the total to 6GB plus watever we do for days 5-30? or are we pretty much screwed if we do anything?

I wouldn't stream a whole lot....a few minutes at the most until some usage clears up.  Youtube doesn't use up too much usage.  Definately don't try to download movies until you get a few gigs back. 

yea, i seen that for the next package the FAP limit is like 12 or 13GB and for the best package its like 17 or 18GB. man this sucks, i wish calling them and aqsking for a reset cuz they never said a word about the limit would work. i mean seriously, the installer never said "look, u guys got a limit and u cant go over it or else...". how secretive is that?! is it alright to play my games like FEAR, Area51, COD2 online?

:lol: Sorry, none of us knew going in to satelite either. Well many of us did not. We learned like you did.

Like when my wifes son got his first ticket (28 in  a 25 mph) he wondered the same thing. Nope, still had to show up for court.  :wink:

that is the biggest downfall to high-speed internet, its like going back to dialup isnt such a bad idea. lol i mean with dial-up they dont care if u download 30GB, cuz they know it would take u the rest of ur life! i downloaded a game once from LimeWire (Sim City 4 Deluxe) that was 1.022GB and it took about 4 months off and on, then i played it once and havnt touched it again! with highspeed i could of had it in a day and not of been pissed except for the stupid limitation!

yea, i seen that for the next package the FAP limit is like 12 or 13GB and for the best package its like 17 or 18GB. man this sucks, i wish calling them and aqsking for a reset cuz they never said a word about the limit would work. i mean seriously, the installer never said "look, u guys got a limit and u cant go over it or else...". how secretive is that?! is it alright to play my games like FEAR, Area51, COD2 online?

Those games wont work on Wildblue. The latency is waaay to high.

i found this in their Frequently Asked Questions page:

Q:  How does this service compare to cable modems and DSL?

A: DISH Network High-Speed Internet powered by WildBlue is an always-on broadband connection provides a user experience similar to most DSL services. We offer download speeds of up to 1.5 Mbps - more than 30 times faster than today's dial-up speeds. We offer upload speeds up to 256 Kbps. The high bandwidth opens up a window to a world of rich content that is largely unavailable through dial-up modems.

if its not DSL, than wat is it??? :undecided::?:

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