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Beware paypal and AOL users

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Ya, I keep getting those too!!  And I DO have a paypal account!!  It keeps saying that my account will be suspended if I don't click the link and update my info.  I don't know if that email is really from paypal or not, so I haven't filled out any info.  I've been getting those emails for like 3 months now, and I'm still able to use my account...

If you're not sure if an e-mail from Paypal is real or not, then just forward it to [email protected] .They will reply in ~1-24hrs telling you if it's a spoof. If it is fake they forward it to "the proper authorities".

It works the same way with Ebay ( [email protected])

The first clue that the above letter is a fake is the [glow=red,2,300]customers name is not there![/glow] Its because the phishing thief don't know it, they use a general heading. A genuine letter from Paypal will always,each and every time address you by your correct account holder first and last name.

The above letter is a thief in disguise waiting for you to give up your account info then they sting you good.

I've found that the easiest way to spot a bogus "account Info update" & similar pathetic phish mails, is the blatant use of bad grammar and/or mis-spelling in the email text. One obvious Fubar in this one is here:

"We are sorry for this inconvenience that this e-mail may caused."

That sentence alone would get a D- in any 5th grade English class.....lol  :)


;) junkieXL,

Yep a D- for sentence structure but I give em an A+ for effort they don't give up, sad thing is I have sent dozens of these emails to Banks, Pay-Pal and everyone else and I have never gotten an email back to say they were looking into it or that they even cared. I have even answered and put B.S. in the fill in the blanks and the phishers never contacted me either... Its like the one that ppl got a while back from Africa talking about needing help to get an inheritance I have answered 2or 3 of them saying I was willing to help "Praise Allah" and those clowns never answered either..... so why do they all just waste their time....  :?

8) Microwave

There are definitly tons of phish emails bombarding AOL as it is & has been a Phisher's goldmine simply because of the clientele AOL attracts: Naive & lazy adults, chatterbox teens & the internet newbies. Unfortunatly, these people will get hosed before they smell the coffee. I agree A+ for effort, some of these phish websites ("updateinfo.microsoft.com") & spoofed email addresses look like the real thing & would even fool Steve Case on a bad hair day. :evil6:

For the rest of us on POP3 email or PINE...it is safe to assume any phish mail that actually make it to our mailboxes, are probably out-dated & forwarded a dozen times through email-worm infected machines.  ;)


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