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I have been running Ubuntu for about a month. My biggest problem so far is installing software programs, but I have not had much time to mess with it to figure out  how to get it to install the software. I get a lot of my added programs for the Synaptic Package Manager that come package in Ubuntu. You can run Ubuntu off the install disk with out installing anything in the computer if you just want to see what it looks like.


you may also want to look into other linux distros such as suse with KDE instead of gnome on ubuntu

that's also what i'm thinking about. anyway, what's the difference between gnome and kde? and which do you think is better? i thought ubuntu is the most user friendly of the distros.


that's also what i'm thinking about. anyway, what's the difference between gnome and kde? and which do you think is better? i thought ubuntu is the most user friendly of the distros.

KDE looks very much like windows, gnome looks like OS X. I personally like KDE because gnome isnt really done all that well and i feel like its much easier to use.

Ive had alot of people tell me ubuntu is very easy to use, but i just don't see it. I personally think suse is the best and easiest to use. With suse you get YaST which is like a crazy windows control panel you can do just about anything in there with out the command line.


sorry for double posting, but i just remembered that my isp can't give connection to 2 different OSs at the same time, so i can't use dual boot method.

your only going to be booted into one at each time.

also if you wanted you could download paralles workstation and run linux in there as a VM to check it out


i also read about this kubuntu. how is it different to ubuntu? which is better?

The KDE Version is Kubuntu..

I personally prefer KDE to gnome.. No real reason just do.. I have used Ubuntu on several occasions, but it seems that the default installation includes just about everything under the sun.  So if you want a fairly light system this is not the way to go.. But if you are just starting it is a great starting distro.

As far as SuSE goes.. The learning curve is a little higher because not everything is done for you right out of the box.. It takes some time to get your machine up and running how you want it.  But it really does, minus 10.1, have a great package management system.

yeah, suse seems to be a lot more complicated. and i have also finished downloading the ubuntu installer, so i think i'll try it out for a while. i am also downloading open suse installer now. i think linux has got me hooked, and also starting to get sick of bill's brain child.

what do you think is the most light distro that is good for beginners?

The best distro for beginner has to be Ubuntu..  It this the closest to a full operating system out of the box.. For the lightest version http://www.xubuntu.org/ Xubuntu is pretty good.. I ran that a few times just to see what it was like.

If it doesn't have a graphical interface it means that it is command line only.. If it is the installer there is a graphical interface it is just text instead of pretty pictures.. if it is the actual system then command line.

i finally installed xubuntu in another partition in my hd. thanks for all those who helped me, specially Swimmer, your lynux guides were a lot of help. i think this will be my main os for now, im loving its appearance and interface. looks like all of my hardware came out all right, just a couple of special keys not working.


i finally installed xubuntu in another partition in my hd. thanks for all those who helped me, specially Swimmer, your lynux guides were a lot of help. i think this will be my main os for now, im loving its appearance and interface. looks like all of my hardware came out all right, just a couple of special keys not working.

do the hardwares work properly? like the video card and sound card,?

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