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So Something In my Computer Fried.

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Yeah so I was on the computer one day, lightning outside, maybe that could have been the problem, but I was just surfing the web and I saw sparks and a little bit of smoke. I leave my case open. I just leave it alone for a day, since it was already late anyway. Next day, I try turning it on. Seems like the power supply is fried. No problem. The power supply is replaced, and the computer boots up again. However, my monitor stays in idle mode. When the computer boots up, I move my mouse and press keys on the keyboard, but I don't see that Windows XP loading screen. Of course, this is because my monitor is idle, but no mouse movements or keystrokes will trigger it active. From my description, what else do you think could possibly have fried or is there another problem? Thanks in advance. I tried removing my monitor cable from the graphics card, removed the graphics card, and plugged it in to use integrated graphics. No luck.

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I've already tried that actually. I took the monitor that was connected to the computer that fried, and connected it to another computer. It worked fine. Also, it wasn't really a power surge. There was lightning and a lot of it, but we never actually lost power. I just saw a spark and the computer shuts off.

DO have another video card to try ,also make sure the integrated graphic turned back on when you remove the first video card. I am no expert but a power surge can also be to much power  [a lightning strike close  to were you live] ]

good thinkin on the turnin the onboard video on, should be a bios setting, so the only way he's gonna be able to do that is by either resetting the bios by jumper, or removing the battery for a couple minutes.

Man , it could be a thousand things.  :cry2:

I believe I've already tried it, but I'm not really sure if I did or not in a sense. I did remove my graphics card, but I cannot access the BIOS settings because I can't see anything appear on my monitor. However I did remove the battery for a couple minutes and that didn't work. I have no clue what a jumper is. But anyway, my dad is just taking it to his friend's house to see if they can do anything about it. They are good with this external stuff. Stubborn Dad. I was hoping he'd buy me a new gaming rig. This one is extremely old haha.

Edit: Holy crap. I just realized I had two accounts here. :idiot2:

How do you know the computer is booting up,you should at lease see the BIOS screen when you boot the computer using the integrated graphic on the motherboard? I know this is a long shot ,but did you change the cable  from the computer to the monitor?.

Sorry for a crappy description. I guess it's not booting up then. What I meant was that it turns on, but it wasn't before due to a fried power supply. No I did not exactly change the cable from the computer to the monitor, but I did try plugging the monitor into another computer and that worked fine, so I don't think it's the monitor. There are these lights on the front of my case that usually light up, as well as the CD/DVD drives. However, they aren't lighting up anymore. Could there be a possibly that it's the hard drive?

Where did you see sparks?

Since my dad took my computer to his friend's house, I don't have it with me, so I just took some random picture off Google with a computer of similar layout inside, and drew a circle and a square.


The sparks were in the area marked by the red circle. They were exactly right of my fan and below my power supply.

@Buntz: I forgot what motherboard I had. I thought the motherboard was smoked too after I replaced the power supply, but my motherboard has a green light too, for example marked by the green square, and it was lit. I thought that was the problem, but if the light is lit, that can't be it can it? Again, no lights that are on the outside of my case were lit nor the DVD drives.

  • 2 months later...

try to replace your memory (RAM).

whenever i get that problem, Screen is idle and there's no lights on the DVD drive and keyboard. i just clean my Memory(RAM) and put it back in. if it doesn't work, then bring that computer to a Computer-Technician Near you to diagnose the problem. or simply buy a new RAM if the store allows refund so you can replace it when it doesnt work.

Guest ExtremeFusion

Since my dad took my computer to his friend's house, I don't have it with me, so I just took some random picture off Google with a computer of similar layout inside, and drew a circle and a square.


The sparks were in the area marked by the red circle. They were exactly right of my fan and below my power supply.

@Buntz: I forgot what motherboard I had. I thought the motherboard was smoked too after I replaced the power supply, but my motherboard has a green light too, for example marked by the green square, and it was lit. I thought that was the problem, but if the light is lit, that can't be it can it? Again, no lights that are on the outside of my case were lit nor the DVD drives.

Same boat here.

Replace the Motherboard!

That should solve it! and Get a reliable Voltage Regulator, a motor type.

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